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In the first presidential debate of 2024, Vice President Kamala Harris was asked what limits – if any – on abortion she supports, and once again refused to answer. Harris also denied that babies survive abortions and are denied medical care in America.

Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America President Marjorie Dannenfelser issued the following statement:

“President Trump is right: Kamala Harris is the extremist in this race on abortion. Harris continually refuses to name any limit on abortion she supports – even painful late-term abortions of healthy babies in the seventh, eighth and ninth month, for any reason, paid for by taxpayers. Today’s Democratic Party won’t even protect babies born alive after failed abortions – just look at the eight babies left to die without life-saving medical care in Tim Walz’s Minnesota. Harris and Walz have made it crystal clear that, if elected, they will impose an all-trimester abortion mandate on all 50 states and shut down the pro-life safety net including thousands of pregnancy centers that provide vital services for women. The party that said abortion should be ‘safe, legal and rare’ is long gone. Kamala Harris is the Shout Your Abortion candidate and the pro-life movement will work tirelessly to defeat her.”

Author: Press Release


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