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Turning Point USA founder and CEO Charlie Kirk made a strong pitch for TP USA Faith on Saturday night at AmericaFest. Kirk said we are in a “spiritual war” that is beyond just the material we’re seeing and that the Left is fighting to take control of the church.

He reminded people of what he called the “worst prediction in the history of American podcasts,” which he made toward the beginning of COVID.

“I looked right into the camera on the Charlie Kirk Show and I said, ‘You know, all these lockdowns and all these orders that tell people to stay at home, they’re not going to last. The American church is going to lead the resistance. Is going to fight back against these lockdowns because the church loves liberty.’ And that was one of the dumbest things I have ever said on the Charlie Kirk Show.

“I was shocked when the bride of Christ, the church, shuddered in fear when they took Easter and Pentecost from us. When we saw the faithful stay at home. When we needed revival more than ever. When suicides were going up. When alcoholism was going up. When drug addiction was going up. The church stayed and cowered in fear. And I looked around and I said this is a time when the church should be defying these tyrants and government leaders. They called strip clubs essential. They called marijuana dispensaries essential. They called convenience stores essential. And yet they said the church was not essential and so many pastors took it.”

Then, during the 2020 “Floyd-a-palooza,” churches parroted a “lie from the pit of hell,” Kirk said.

“When they said that America was systemically racist and that you were a racist person because of the color of your skin,” he said. “And I looked around and I said why is the church peddling this and I took a step back and I said, ‘ah, the Marxists have took over the FBI, they have took over our colleges and they’re trying to take over the church next. And out of that, we launched TP USA Faith.”

The group just wants to kick wokeism out of the American church “as quickly as possible as the heresy that it is.

“It is biblical to defy tyrants,” Kirk said. “Disobedience to tyrants is obedience to God. Because liberty is not man’s idea, it is God’s idea.”

The American church is not speaking out on these issues, he said, because they “just do the gospel.”

“Do you think that gospel includes allowing the church to be called non-essential and to stay shuddered and afraid,” Kirk asked. “This country was founded by courageous, Bible-believing Christians. Fifty-five out of fifty-six of the signers of the Declaration of Independence were Bible-believing, church-attending Christians. Nine out of 13 of the states at the American founding required you to be a protestant Christian at the founding. In the Declaration of Independence, God is mentioned four times. There has been revival after revival. One of the reasons we are seeing the issues we are seeing in America today is because the church has been silent and the secular Marxists are taking over the nation.”

TP USA Faith, though, is leading a movement to push back against the “secular totalitarians in America.”



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