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Friday’s news that the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade was a long time coming for the pro-life community. And, part of the pro-life community is pro-life politicians.

Speaker of the Iowa House, Republican Pat Grassley, released the following statement:

“Today, the Supreme Court restored a fundamental truth Iowa Republicans have always known – life is precious. These past two weeks have brought significant victories for the pro-life movement both nationally and in Iowa. Iowa House Republicans will continue to protect the innocent lives of unborn children.”

Now reasonable people can maybe differ on strategy when it comes to protecting the innocent lives of unborn children. But I’m fairly certain no reasonable person would come up with this strategy to protect innocent lives of unborn children:


Yet that is exactly what a number of Iowa House Republicans did earlier this month, including Pat Grassley.

June, you see, has rolled in like a RINO for many Iowa House Republicans and is rolling out like a lion…or is it lyin’?

Republican State Rep. Jane Bloomingdale does not support pro-life policy. She is not pro-life. She is not a pro-life legislator. She does not have a pro-life voting record.

Do not let the politicians fool you.

Pro-life Republicans do not vote against the Heartbeat bill.

Pro-life Republicans do not vote against the Protect Life Amendment.

Pro-life Republicans do not not vote on a 20-week abortion ban.

Unfortunately, many Iowa House Republicans told Iowans that despite this voting record, Bloomingdale is pro-life.

Listen, pro-life Republicans do not endorse anti-life/pro-choice Republicans. They do not. And part of the pro-life strategy to protect innocent lives of unborn children is not to re-elect someone who voted against the Heartbeat Bill or the Protect Life Amendment.

That isn’t how the pro-life movement works and if that’s how you think it works then you’re probably not in the pro-life movement yourself.

There is a long list of Republicans in the Iowa House who endorsed Bloomingdale and her anti-life voting record:

Speaker Pat Grassley
Majority Leader Matt Windschitl
Speaker Pro Tempore John Wills
Majority Whip Mike Sexton
Rep. Bobby Kaufmann
Rep. Jarad Klein
Rep. Joel Fry
Rep. Brian Lohse
Rep. Jacob Bossman
Rep. Ann Meyer
Rep. Brent Siegrist
Rep. Shannon Lundgren
Rep. Chad Ingels
Rep. Bubba Sorensen
Rep. Michael Bergan
Rep. Brian Best
Rep. Megan Jones
Rep. Carter Nordman
Rep. Shannon Latham
Rep. Tom Moore
Rep. Gary Mohr
Rep. Holly Brink

Now, here’s the deal. This cannot be excused as “well we went with the Republican over the Democrat because we know she’ll be better than the Democrat.”

No, this was endorsing a pro-choice/anti-life Republican against a pro-life Republican in the primary. That’s what this was.

And perhaps the legislators on the above list don’t prioritize the abortion issue. That could be.

But again, Speaker Grassley was awfully quick to make his pro-life proclamation on Friday after the court ruling dropped. What did it say again???

“Today, the Supreme Court restored a fundamental truth Iowa Republicans have always known – life is precious. These past two weeks have brought significant victories for the pro-life movement both nationally and in Iowa. Iowa House Republicans will continue to protect the innocent lives of unborn children.”

What was that last line?

“Iowa House Republicans will continue to protect the innocent lives of unborn children.”

So, this is an open-ended public invitation to Speaker Grassley, please explain how supporting someone who voted against the Heartbeat Bill and voted against the Protect Life Amendment is protecting the innocent lives of unborn children?

The obvious answer is it isn’t.

At all.

Like not even close.

Unborn babies are human beings, not political footballs. They’re human beings, not political pawns.

They. Are. Human. Beings.

They deserve so much more than what Iowa House Republicans have done for them and did do for them just 20 days ago.

How do these Iowa House Republicans get away with this political gamesmanship? They count on your ignorance. They count on Republican voters to be stupid. They count on you not educating yourself. They count on you to “trust” them. They count on you to listen the next time they stand up and speak at a Faith & Freedom event or a pro-life rally.

They count on you to hear, but not act. To follow, but not follow up.

Nearly 50 years into abortion, this cannot happen any longer. And these endorsements cannot be forgotten. They must be tagged on each and every one of them for the remainder of their political careers.

This was a public policy catastrophe — endorsing a pro-choice Republican over a pro-life Republican in the same month they want us to believe they’re celebrating the reversal of Roe v. Wade.

For 63 million babies who have been aborted since 1973, this isn’t political. This is life and death. Hopefully these Iowa House Republicans realize that.

Author: Jacob Hall


  1. Jacob, you are exactly correct. I will be watching with keen interest to see how these “I’m prolife, but I vote against life when it suits my political goals” vote on banning abortion in Iowa. Super disappointing!!!


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