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President Joe Biden responded to the joke shared by a comedian at President Donald J. Trump’s rally at Madison Square Garden where the comedian referenced Puerto Rico as a pile of garbage floating in the ocean.

Biden, though, escalated the rhetoric.

“The only garbage I see floating out there is (Trump) supporters,” Biden said.

Biden, of course, is not a comedian. He is allegedly the sitting President of the United States. And he just referred to supporters of President Trump as “garbage.”

NRCC Communications Director Jack Pandol called it Biden’s “deplorables” moment.

“This is Joe Biden’s ‘deplorables’ moment. The truth is Kamala Harris, Joe Biden, and House Democrats look down their nose at anyone who wants affordability, safe streets, and a secure border. Every House Democrat enabled Joe Biden’s assault on the American Dream, and they must condemn the President’s disgusting and divisive comments immediately,” Pandol said.



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