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The story coming out of a late-term abortion clinic in Washington, D.C. shows you everything that’s wrong with abortion and the people who promote it.
Here is a picture of Baby Boy 1, one of five babies killed at the clinic recently whose remains were reportedly obtained by a pro-life advocate who has since been arrested.
I defy anyone to look at this picture and tell me this is not a human being:
This boy was a nearly full term baby, viable outside the womb.  The photo shows that “that he remained largely intact, raising questions about how his life ended. He also has what appears to be a fully formed face, fingers, toes, and all the primary features normally visible in a newborn.”
Abortion supporters want legal cover to be able to kill babies like this up to birth.  If you support this, I will tell you right to your face you are a monster.
But the abortion-industrial complex has circled the wagons.  D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser refusesto investigate, even though the five babies might have been killed in illegal partial birth abortions, killed after birth, or left to die after being born alive.
Gone are the days when abortion rights supporters would tell you they wanted abortions to be ‘safe, legal, and rare.’  Now we get hysterical attempts to push the envelope precisely at the moment public support for abortion is dwindling and the Supreme Court is poised to pull back on abortion rights.  The demands are getting more shrill and outrageous.  Now, abortionistas claim the right to an ‘effective abortion’, meaning, they want to kill the baby if it’s born alive.  An abortionist at that D.C. clinic admitted some years ago, that he “probably wouldn’t” help a baby who survived an abortion even though “legally we would be obligated to help.”  So much for the law.  One of his staff said at the time a baby born alive after a botched abortion should just be flushed down the toilet.  So much for humanity.
A Democrat-controlled committee in the California Assembly recently reported out a bill critics say would allow infanticide, letting babies die up to 6 weeks after birth.  As originally written, the bill would have allowed the murder of newborns for any reason.  The language was revised, but it still allows the killing of infants and discourages law enforcement from investigating the circumstances.
California isn’t the only place pushing the envelope.  Democrat-controlled Colorado and New Jersey now have laws allowing abortion up to birth.  The Democrats who control the U.S. Senate wanted to federalize a right to abortion up to birth and shred all state pro-life laws in the process.  The bill failed, but by only one vote.
Take a look at the picture of Baby Boy 1 again.  Look long and hard.  If you support his killing, or the Democrats’ insane drive for abortion up to birth and beyond, I don’t mind telling you to your face you are a monster.  The only question is, what kind of monster are you?


  1. The other night Tucker showed pet cats in China being tied into garbage bags and left on the sidewalk to die because their owners were being taken to Covid concentration camps. I am horrified. Many others will too be horrified yet for some sick and twisted reason will still support abortion. And abortion is STILL abortion whether or not that baby has a heartbeat. The Heartbeat Bill was not a win- it was a compromise. Maybe if we took all those babies and left them in clear plastic bags on the sidewalk people could find more compassion, more self control.


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