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Dick Morris is recommending that those concerned with the Georgia election contact Georgia’s Republican legislative leaders as well as Gov. Brian Kemp and request a special session be called prior to the Jan. 5 Senate election.

Those concerned are encouraged to ask the legislature to:

  1. Eliminate the Dominion Voting System and count ballots by hand for accuracy.
  2. Override the consent decree the state signed with Democrats and strict to signature verification.
  3. Require preservation of signed envelopes in which ballots are returned and staple them to actual ballots so we know who invalid ballots voted for.
  4. Require names of all who voted to be given to each party within four days of the election and allow seven days to challenge in eligible voters.
  5. If this isn’t done before Jan. 5, then postpone the election until it is done.

Contact information provided:

Governor Brian Kemp (R)

206 Washington St. Suite 203

111 State Capitol

Atlanta GA  30334


Constituent Services:  800-436-7442

Speaker of the House

David Ralston (R)

District Office:

P.O. Box 188

Blue Ridge GA  30513


[email protected]

Senate Majority Leader

Mike Duggan (R)

District Office:

106 Champion Drive

Carrolton GA  30116


[email protected]

Author: Jacob Hall


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