The Iowa Standard sent a questionnaire to all 150 members of the Iowa legislature regarding the incidents at the Pella, Jefferson and Sioux Center involving gender identity. The questions The Iowa Standard asked were:
1. What are your thoughts on this situation involving the Pella Aquatic Center?
2. Should individuals, minors included, be allowed to wear swimwear based on their gender identity rather than body parts?
3. Do you support removing sexual orientation and gender identity from the Iowa Civil Rights code?
Here is Republican Rep. Phil Thompson’s answer:
I’ve sponsored legislation removing “gender identity” from the Iowa civil rights code. I truly believe that’s the only way to curb these situations. As conservatives, we expect judges to enforce the code. The fact of the matter is, in this situation, they are. It’s on our legislature to remedy this.
Rep. Salmon responds to TIS legislative questionnaire on Pella pool incident, policy
Rep. Wills responds to TIS legislative questionnaire on Pella pool incident, policy