Recent stories show the ideological subversion of the Pentagon is continuing.
We start with a look at the Navy’s professional reading list for personnel. Last year, it led off with Ibram X. Kendi’s “How to Be an Anti-Racist” and other books which preach Marxist Critical Race Theory and the evils of white supremacy. These books attacked free enterprise and supposed mass incarceration, and promoted Left-wing sexual agendas. Contrary viewpoints and America’s founding values were not on the list. The CRT readings taught service members to hate the country they’re supposed to be defending. Moreover, they did nothing to advance service members’ understanding of their profession or enhance their war-fighting skills. However, these books no longer appear on the list. They were taken off after several Republican members of Congress expressed outrage.
Subversion may have been interrupted in the Navy, but it’s going full bore at West Point. Critical Race Theory, with its tenets of white privilege and systemic racism, is being taught at West Point, according to official documents and course materials obtained in a records request. The materials teach cadets “modern day slavery” still exists in America as we speak. They also teach the astounding view that white people are the primary beneficiaries of civil rights legislation. Students will graduate with an understanding of queer theory, “white rage”, and that the Republican Party is the home of white supremacy. That will come as a shock, I’m sure, to Senator Tim Scott of South Carolina who is both Republican and black.
The Air Force is setting aside time and creating a safe space for service members to express their feelings and partake in “healthy conversation” to create “trust and belonging”. Kumbaya! I wonder what the Air Force will do when somebody speaks up and says all this Woke stuff is for the birds.
The Navy put out a video cautioning its personnel to be sure to use preferred pronouns. In the Army, training on pronouns and gender identity is mandatory. In addition, officers are coached on when to offer gender transition surgery to the soldiers serving under them.
The Air Force wished its members “Happy Pride Month!” in June. The Marines and Space Force tweeted out similar messages. But Pride Month celebrations didn’t stop the Air Force from cancelling Drag Queen Story Time for children at Ramstein Air Base in Germany. A spokesman said the event didn’t go through the vetting process, so here we have another instance showing it’s possible to push back and stop some of the nonsense.
Now let’s pause and ask what’s motivating all this Wokeness and subversion at the Pentagon. One theory holds the top brass are committed left-wing ideologues, birds of a feather with the extremist Biden administration which is using the whole of government to push Woke agendas. A former Marine Lieutenant Colonel, however, is of the view high-level officers are just playing along with the politicians because the officers need Congress to promote them to top general positions. A China expert, meanwhile, has written about the People’s Liberation Army’s “All-Army enemy disintegration work”. [Kerry Gershanek, Political Warfare: Strategies for Combating China’s Plan to “Win Without Fighting”, at p.23] Disintegration work derives from Sun Tzu’s maxim about defeating the enemy without having to fight them. Subverting the Pentagon through Woke ideology fits right in. Personally, I would say all three drivers are at work.
I’m encouraged by the fact people are starting to push back and trim the Pentagon’s Woke sails, as I noted previously. In addition, Republican lawmakers are introducing measures to defund the military’s social justice initiatives and to keep the military from spreading its Woke agendas to military contractors. But it’s easy to introduce bills and placate the conservative base that way. The real question is how hard the bills’ sponsors will fight for their reforms. I hope, in addition to introducing legislation, Republicans will haul top Pentagon brass up to Capitol Hill for hearings if Republicans take over the House or Senate in November. The Pentagon needs to be pressed on how it makes sense to teach soldiers to hate their country and whether the Pentagon has any evidence America’s enemies care what pronouns American soldiers prefer. If there are no such hearings, we’ll know Republican lawmakers aren’t serious. And hearings should just be the start of fixing the damage that’s been done.