Iowa State Sen. Jesse Green introduced a bill that would protect employees and students from disciplinary action if they use the legal name of a student or fail to use a so-called “personal pronoun.”
An employee who is terminated in violation of the proposal will have the opportunity for a civil action.
School staff in multiple states have been fired for refusing to go along with so-called “preferred pronouns” and gender ideology.
For example, a school board in Virginia had to pay a teacher $575,000 for firing a teacher who refused to use a transgender student’s pronouns.
The following groups have registered against the bill:
*Iowa Atheists and Freethinkers
*Interfaith Alliance of Iowa Action Fund
*GLBT Youth In Iowa Schools Task Force (Iowa Safe Schools)
*One Iowa
The following groups have registered in support of the bill:
*Professional Educators of Iowa
*Iowa Faith and Freedom Coalition
*Protect My Innocence
The Iowa Association of School Boards are registered “undecided” on the bill.