With presumed Democrat presidential nominee Joe Biden showing signs of frailty that could severely limit his service if he is elected, his selection of a vice-presidential candidate is perhaps the most important such choice in history.
Speculation has centered on his choosing a black woman such as California Sen. Kamala Harris, former National Security Advisor Susan Rice or Illinois Sen. Tammy Duckworth.
All of them are far leftists with communist connections, as are other presumed possible Democratic candidates for vice president.
Who is behind these politicians and how do we convey this to the American people?
Trevor Loudon is the author of “White House Reds: Communists, Socialists & Security Risks Running for US President, 2020.”
An author, filmmaker and public speaker from Christchurch, New Zealand, Trevor Loudon has for more than 30 years researched radical Left, Marxist and terrorist movements and their covert influence on mainstream politics.
Loudon’s thesis is that what is commonly regarded as mainstream political policy is in fact driven and guided by hidden subversive elements.
Trevor Loudon believes that these forces must be exposed and countered, as America’s continued role as a bastion of freedom is pivotal for the future of western civilization.
Some of Mr. Loudon’s accomplishments:
He is the author of “Barack Obama and the Enemies Within” and “The Enemies Within: Communists, Socialists and Progressives in the U.S. Congress.”
He is currently working on his new film with Director Judd Saul: “Enemies Within: The Church.”
Trevor’s hard-hitting political documentary, “The Enemies Within,” was released in 2016.
In collaboration with the Capital Research Center, Mr. Loudon and director Judd Saul created a series of mini-documentaries free to the public:
“America Under Siege: Civil War 2017”
“America Under Siege: Soviet Islam”
“America Under Siege: Antifa”
Trevor Loudon discovered in 2007 the long-hidden relationship between notorious Hawaiian Communist Party member Frank Marshall Davis and the young Barack Obama.
After extensively researching Obama’s ties to the New York and Chicago Marxist movements, Loudon began publishing his findings online, catching the eye of such prominent voices as Accuracy in Media and syndicated radio host Glenn Beck.
In 2009 Loudon exposed the communist roots of Obama “Green Jobs Czar” Van Jones. After an extensive campaign by Glenn Beck and others, Jones was forced to resign from his White House position.
Loudon has addressed more than 400 conservative, tea party, religious and Republican groups in more than 37 states.
Loudon has interviewed many people from both sides of the struggle over the years, including former Western intelligence officers, government undercover operatives inside the communist movement and former KGB officers.
This research has given Loudon unique insight into how extensively often even minuscule communist parties have been able to manipulate, and even control policy formation in many Western countries – particularly the “main enemy:” the United States of America. Loudon’s research shows that this is not just a historical problem, but is a very grave and looming threat that will not only impact America’s national security but indeed our very survival.
Trevor proudly serves as a fellow at both the American Freedom Alliance and the Inter-American Institute for Philosophy, Government, and Social Thought and is a founding member of Stand Against Communism.
Please join us for this informative, stimulating discussion.