Iowans For Tax Relief 1
Every time I get into a debate over the issue of males who identify as female using the women’s restrooms, I steadfastly rely on the Constitutional philosophy that equality under the law mean that the law applies to everyone...
Supporters of Congresswoman Abby Finkenauer were sent a fundraising email from her campaign that had a message from Speaker Nancy Pelosi. "I'll get right to the point, friends. Without your support today, holding Abby's seat -- and keeping Iowa's powerful...
The Iowa Standard is a free online news source so we can reach as many people as possible. But we need to raise money! We are asking our readers to help support us as a news alternative entering 2020....
The Iowa Standard is a free online news source so we can reach as many people as possible. But we need to raise money! We are asking our readers to help support us as a news alternative entering 2020....
Did you hear from Rep. Abby Finkenauer yesterday? Neither did her constituents. As the House impeachment vote loomed, Rep. Finkenauer was hiding from her decision to support Nancy Pelosi’s baseless witch hunt. Despite hours of floor speeches from House Democrats, vulnerable...
Congresswoman Abby Finkenauer (IA-1) announced on Tuesday she will vote for the articles of impeachment against President Donald Trump. "On Jan. 3 of this year, I had the distinct honor and privilege to raise my right hand on behalf of...
The Iowa Standard is a free online news source so we can reach as many people as possible. But we need to raise money! We are asking our readers to help support us as a news alternative entering 2020....
***Rep. Ashley Hinson is running for Congress in Iowa's First Congressional District*** Rep. Ashley Hinson decided not to answer questions from The Iowa Standard on the abortion issue. Instead, her campaign sent a simple statement: "Ashley's pro-life voting record in the...
Thomas Hansen is running for Congress in Iowa's First Congressional District. When do you believe life begins: At the heart beat. Describe your position on the abortion issue: My position comes from me being an EMT. I was trained as an...
As The Iowa Standard continues to follow the controversy from a gay pride event held outside Peet Junior High earlier this year, pressing questions remain. One of which is whether Sen. Eric Giddens and his wife, Kendra Wohlert, violated district...