Facebook post has nearly 1,000 comments regarding Centerville nativity scene being...
As of just after midnight Wednesday, Solid Rock Church of God Centerville Iowa's Facebook post about the nativity scene removal had received 889 reactions,...
According to Daily Iowegian, Centerville councilman Jay Dillard brought original nativity...
On Tuesday we told you about the city of Centerville, Iowa moving a nativity scene from the square to a different part of town....
LINK INCLUDED: Petition started to bring nativity scene back to Centerville...
After talking with Pastor Tony Angran on Tuesday afternoon regarding the removal of the nativity scene from the Centerville, Iowa square, we helped set...
Democrat candidate email says she will accept corruption in Washington, no...
Rita Hart is running for Congress in Iowa's Second District. The Democrat's campaign sent out a fundraising email last week hyping an endorsement from...
Schilling wins Youth Straw Poll
Today students at more than 300 schools across the State of Iowa participated in the Fall 2019 Iowa Youth Straw Poll. The straw poll...
Rep. Hein: Sports betting continues to be an issue in House
From Rep. Lee Hein:
One of the biggest issues that the Legislature is considering this session is whether the state should legalize sports betting. This...
If Dems Were in Control: Gun free zones defended
"If Dems Were in Control" is a feature on The Iowa Standard that examines what bills would potentially become law if Republicans were not...