Iowans For Tax Relief 1

REP. SORENSEN: Stop cheering for political parties like football teams and...

The Third week of session was jam packed with subcommittees and committee meetings again, and will be for the foreseeable future.  I had fun visiting...

REP. MEYER: Ensuring funding equity for every public school student is...

As we move toward the first funnel, we are busy with subcommittee and committee work.  All bills must move through full committee in the...

SEN. ROZENBOOM: Iowa experiencing increasing incidents of violence against teachers

Like other states, Iowa is experiencing increasing incidents of violence against teachers, classroom disruptions inhibiting an environment of learning, and a climate of uncertainty...

SEN. KOELKER: Improving Integrity in Public Assistance Programs

A bill aimed at expanding the verification databases, in order to make the State of Iowa public assistance programs stronger and more efficient, advanced...

ITR: Cutting Income Taxes Will Help Iowans

Governor Kim Reynolds recently proposed a comprehensive tax plan to reduce income and property taxes while increasing the state's sales tax. She estimates raising...

SEN. KAPUCIAN: Senate Transportation passes four more bills out of committee,...

It was another busy week at the Capitol with committee work and meeting with constituents. In Transportation we passed four more bills out of...

SEN. GRASSLEY: Q&A Iowa Caucuses 2020

Q: What makes the Iowa caucuses unique? A: Nearly fifty years ago, Iowa launched its first-in-the-nation presidential caucuses and has retained this prominent position since...

SEN. WHITING: Looking forward to Mr. Burt operating a successful business

This week, I chaired a subcommittee which unanimously passed SF 155, a bill which would cut government red tape to allow William Burt (pictured)...

SEN. SCHNEIDER: Senate working to address issue of disruptive behavior in...

I have heard from parents, teachers, and school administrators who are alarmed by the rise of disruptive behavior in some school classrooms. This is...

SEN. FEENSTRA: Working on bill relating to direct care workforce, believes...

We have many bills going through committees in the Senate.  It’s an ongoing process to make sure that they have merit and deserve consideration...