Iowans For Tax Relief 1

Bill would prohibit employers from taking adverse actions against employees who...

House Study Bill 555 would address an issue that keeps people from being engaged in the political process in Iowa. Currently, state law requires a...

Nine House Republicans file bill to remove gender identity from Iowa...

A group of nine House Republicans introduced legislation on Wednesday that would remove gender identity as a protected class under the Iowa Civil Rights...

REP. FISHER: Removing gender identity from Civil Rights code helps ensure...

Today my bill to strike "Gender Identity" from the Iowa Civil Rights code was read in (it's now public). This bill, House File 2164,...

Judiciary chair Rep. Holt kills bill removing gender identity from Iowa...

It did not take long to learn the fate of legislation introduced in the Iowa House on Wednesday that attempted to strip gender identity...

Iowa Senate Republicans proposed providing $91.7 million in new funding for...

Wednesday Senate Republicans released their education funding proposal for FY 2021. “This proposal will provide $91.7 million in new funding for K-12 education. The total...

Bill would establish Quad Cities Regional Metro Authority, causes some concern...

House File 2110 is in subcommittee this afternoon. The bill would establish the Quad Cities Regional Metropolitan Authority. Paul Rumler, the CEO and president of...

Vice President Pence speaks to room packed with more than 400...

More than 400 people attended an Evangelicals for Trump rally in Sioux City on Thursday morning. Vice President Mike Pence headlined the event and...

President Trump rallies with thousands of Iowans in Des Moines

"I work so hard for this state. I work so hard." That's how President Donald Trump opened his Des Moines rally on Thursday night in...

Trump Nicknames used during Thursday rally

Failing New York Times: "When we leave in 10, 14, 18, 22 years from now, the NY Times will be out of business, so...

SEN. GUTH: Working to address varying issues, including vaccinations at schools...

Week Three was one of rushing to subcommittees and visiting constituents. I enjoyed talking with FFA students from Lake Mills, Algona, Belmond, and Forest...