On Friday we told you about a Facebook post issued by Republican State Rep. Garrett Gobble. The freshman legislator said that Senate President Jake Chapman went “too far” when addressing sexually explicit materials in Iowa school libraries and the teachers who are defending them.
This may be considered controversial in today’s world — you know, the idea of publishing exactly what someone said before piling on them — but here goes:
“Colleagues, the time has come for us to take a stand. It has become increasingly evident that we live in a world in which many, including our media, wish to confuse, misguide, and deceive us, calling good evil and evil good. One doesn’t have to look far to see the sinister agenda occurring right before our eyes. The attack on our children is no longer hidden. Those who wish to normalize sexually deviant behavior against our children, including pedophilia and incest, are pushing this movement more than ever before. Our children should be safe and free from this atrocious assault. Our students should be learning about science, and mathematics; they should be learning about engineering and innovation. Instead, some teachers are disguising sexually obscene material as desired subject matter and profess it has artistic and literary value. The literature being pushed on our students should disturb all of us and if you aren’t disturbed, I can only hope it is because you have not actually heard or seen the content. Nobody, regardless of their race, religion, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, or occupation has the right to expose children to obscene material. It is for that reason that this body should use this session to address this very issue.
When students are subjected to this violating content, we need to ensure parents have the ability to protect their children by removing them from the district. We can and must tear down the financial barriers that prevent parents from making this decision. We must hold those who distribute this repulsive and criminal content to minors accountable. Let us not forget the quote on the first floor of this capitol which reads “nothing is politically right that is morally wrong.” In other words, we can’t be right by doing the wrong thing, and doing the right thing can never be wrong.”
Yet Democrats and the media are claiming Chapman called Iowa teachers “sinister.” The literacy rate among Democrats and the media should be concerning to all Iowans.
But Democrats and the media aren’t the only ones going after Chapman. Now, Iowa House Republicans appear to be as well.
Gobble’s Facebook post said:
- Do you believe these materials belong in Iowa school libraries?
- Do you believe these materials are not in any way “sinister?”
- What do you suppose reaction would be on the floor of the Iowa House if someone were to simply read these passages or show these photos?
If we receive responses, we will publish them.
This whole situation, however, is a total sham. Democrats and the media continue defending books that they refuse to show the content of, therefore keeping the public uneducated about what is actually in these books.
Then, they misrepresent what Chapman said. And now, Republicans are following right along.
If this issue, this debate, this discussion isn’t the line in the sand for parents, I guess I don’t know what would be. The bottom line is these books do not belong in Iowa school libraries. And if Iowa parents were actually shown what was in them, I bet 85-90 percent would agree.
But for some reason, the media refuses to do its job and educate its viewers and readers. Democrats are allowed to then make the issue into something it isn’t. And moderate Republicans break ranks from their base and instead join the opposition.
Same song, new verse. Disturbing verse. Embarrassing verse.
Let’s hope the Republican Party does the right thing when the time comes regarding these sexually explicit books. Protect the kids. Protect their innocence. And do the right thing.
In reality, the right thing isn’t that hard, if you know what you’re debating.