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Thirty-five cases of voter fraud were referred for prosecution by the Georgia election board.

Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, who chaired the board, said that election fraud is “not tolerated” in Georgia and when there is evidence of it, people will face prosecution.

According to The Epoch Times, there were four instances where convicted felons voted or registered to vote and four other cases where non-citizens voted or registered to vote.

In Fayette County, officials discovered votes that were uncounted. A memory card contained 2,755 votes that were not included in the initial count.

A woman in Atlanta allegedly submitted 70 false voter registration applications while canvassing for the Coalition for the People’s Agenda.

Not all of the 35 cases are from the 2020 election.

One of the states where widespread voter fraud was suspected, Republicans in Georgia saw a 22-point drop in confidence of their vote being counted between the general election and the January runoff for Senate.

Author: Jacob Hall


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