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As more and more elected Republicans publicly accept the result of the 2020 Presidential Election, conservatives across the state of Iowa and the entire country are losing faith in the supposed alternative to the Democrat Party.

As I sit and listen to Republican after Republican congratulate Joe Biden and Kamala Harris on their “victory,” I’m left with one thought:

Democrats would never, ever surrender like this.



Never ever.

If the shoe were on the other foot. If the numbers did not add up for a Republican victory just as they do not add up this time around for a Democrat victory, Democrat resistance would make the last four years of President Trump look like a cakewalk.

Yet here we are with front row seats to watch the Great GOP surrender of 2020.

And with so much at stake, so much on the line, I’m left to remember these words attributed to President Abraham Lincoln:

“If it ever reach us, it must spring up from amongst us. It cannot come from abroad. If destruction be our lot, then we ourselves must be the author and finisher of it. As a nation of free men, we must live throughout all time or die by suicide.”

The Democrats have not hidden their agenda. Let’s be honest, they are much bolder in their honesty when it comes to their desire to “fundamentally transform” America.

Republicans are supposed to be the ones offering resistance. Yet the GOP’s resistance is largely futile because they simply don’t seem to want it more than the other side.

Ever since Election Day I had serious doubts that Republicans would do what was necessary to ensure a fair, honest Presidential Election took place. I had real reservations that the GOP would stand behind President Trump in the weeks after the election.


Because deep down, there is a part of me that wonders if President Trump represents such a shock to the system, to the Swamp, that Republicans would much rather work with a President Joe Biden who will “play the game” without threatening the comfort offered by the “system” and the “Swamp” that politicians on both sides of the aisle have grown so fond of for decades.

As more and more Republicans abandon President Trump — and in a lot of ways, the ideals of our country — I edge closer and closer to the uncomfortable answer that, perhaps, yes, Republicans would rather work with a President Biden who offers no threat to the way things have always been in D.C. as opposed to President Trump who clearly plays a different kind of ballgame.

The sad thing is, Democrats simply want it more. They want their vision of what they believe is right for America to take hold more than Republicans want to preserve what America has been for so long for so many.

Again, if roles were reversed, Democrats and their allies in the mainstream media would die on this hill of preserving a fair, open and honest election.

For Republicans, it has proven to just be one more chance to roll over and play dead.

It makes you wonder if these Republicans really share our conservative vision, hopes and dreams for this country.

One more thing I’d like to add about McConnell saying despite policy differences with Kamala Harris, we can all be proud to have a female Vice President.

No we can’t and no we aren’t.

Those who love this country, those who care about this country are not proud of our VP simply because of his or her genitalia.

That is the most ignorant thing I’ve heard from McConnell in quite some time.

Republicans have clearly bought into the idea of identity politics and are parading around victories in congressional races celebrating the fact a woman won rather than Republican ideas won. It’s not about the person, it’s about the policy.

It’s not about the private parts, it’s about the policy.

It has been a long time since I have been this disappointed and distraught with the Republican Party.

And it comes at, perhaps, the most crucial time in our nation’s modern history.


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