President Donald J. Trump announced on Wednesday that he will issue an executive order ensuring all babies born alive — including those born prematurely or those who survive abortions — receive medical care.
While I don’t want to come across as saying this isn’t a good thing, I do want to ask one question — is this really something to celebrate?
The Hill reports President Trump made the announcement in an “appeal” to “conservative and religious” voters. Meaning unless you’re a conservative or a religious voter you’re content with babies being born and not receiving medical care?
Because if that is so you’re not an “Independent,” or a “liberal,” or a “Democrat,” or even an “atheist” — you are a monster.
We are literally talking about THE most vulnerable among us. There isn’t even a discussion or debate as to whether they’re the most vulnerable among us.
For a world that so often worships “science,” how is it the same world — outside of “conservatives” and “religious” voters I guess — can reject the most basic science of all. That is the science that says LIFE BEGINS AT CONCEPTION.
It’s 2020 — meaning the human race has been around for quite some time, as has America — and we really need an executive order to do this? Who are we as a people? What have we become?
Nevermind that Democrats in the House and Senate couldn’t muster the courage to defend these babies (note I’m not even saying unborn babies at this point, just babies) with actual legislation. Nevermind that Republicans had control of the House, the Senate and the White House until January of 2019 and nothing was done for this problem.
To the world, to the liberal media, to Democrats, to those who support the right to kill unborn babies (and I guess refuse medical care to babies who survive abortions) — they view this as a “loss” for their side and a “win” for “conservative” and “religious” voters.
But ask any “conservative” or “religious” voter and they’ll tell you — this is not a win. It’s a tragedy.
It’s a tragedy that this is news. It’s a tragedy that this is an issue.
When something like this has to be done, whether through legislation or executive order, nobody wins.
It only shows how depraved our country is. And leaves just a couple of questions — why has God continued to spare us for so long? How much longer will He spare us for this unspeakable evil?