During today’s House Appropriations Committee markup, Congresswoman Hinson offered a proposal to prohibit the Biden Administration from transferring student loan debt to hardworking Americans.
“All that this Administration is proposing to do is shift that debt onto the backs of hardworking Iowans and Americans. It will be being paid for by those who chose not to go to college and those who worked hard to pay back their loans,” said Hinson during her remarks. “Why should we make truck drivers, bartenders, electricians, and plumbers pay for someone else’s degree? Should a family farmer have to pay for somebody else’s Harvard education? Should my constituents who have already paid off their student loans have to now pay off someone else’s? Plain and simple the answer is no. Absolutely they should not.”
Hinson’s initiative is endorsed by the Heritage Foundation, America First Works (America First Policy Institute), and Americans for Tax Reform.
Americans for Tax Reform:
“President Biden has spent over $100 billion extending the moratorium on student loan repayments. Now, the Administration is considering forgiving at least $10,000 of student loan debt per borrower, most of which are wealthy, liberal elites. At a time of record inflation, largely due to reckless spending, it’s hard to think of a more irresponsible policy. Thankfully, Representative Ashley Hinson introduced an amendment to prevent this during today’s full committee markup to the Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies (LHHSE) appropriations bill. This amendment would prohibit the Administration from forgiving student loan debt. All lawmakers should support this amendment.” – Grover Norquist, President at Americans for Tax Reform
America First Works:
“America First Works applauds Congresswoman Ashley Hinson’s amendment blocking federal student loan debt cancellation. Calls for student loan forgiveness truly amount to debt redistribution to American families, whether they attended college or not. Nor would discharging debts solve the underlying problem. College is too expensive, and students are being saddled with debt they cannot afford because postsecondary institutions have few incentives to deliver a rigorous, workforce-aligned education at a reasonable price. Until underlying problems are addressed, loan forgiveness is at best a Band-Aid solution, and student loan balances will continue to balloon the moment Fall tuition bills come due.” – Ashley Hayek, Executive Director of America First Works