Religious Liberty Restoration Act advances in Senate

The business community in Iowa seems at odds with the religious community. At least it was that way during Tuesday's subcommittee for Senate File...

Sports betting, fantasy sports bill clears Senate subcommittee

A fifth Senate subcommittee was held regarding sports wagering and fantasy sports. Democrat Sen. Tony Bisignano did not sign the bill out of subcommittee...

Vaccine exemption bills fail in Senate subcommittee despite large showing of...

A pair of bills in the Iowa Senate dealing with vaccinations drew a crowd that lined the hallways outside Room 315 on Tuesday. Despite...

Senate moves green alert for veterans-at-risk out of committee

Senate File 64 advanced out of committee today. The bill would create a green alert program for missing veterans-at-risk. There wasn't much discussion about the...

Sore Loser law advances through subcommittee in Iowa House

An Iowa House subcommittee passed House File 139 on Tuesday. The bill has been called the "Sore Loser" law because it relates to candidates...

Religious Liberty subcommittee in Iowa Senate

Here is some of what happened at the Senate subcommittee on Iowa's religious liberty bill:

Iowans Deserve Property Tax Relief

In 1934, Iowa enacted the first sales and income taxes to provide property tax relief. Today, nearly a century later, Iowa taxpayers still face...

ACLU responds to Gov. Reynolds’ decision to not appeal ruling against...

"We’re glad that politicians are recognizing what we have known all along—that the Iowa Constitution has strong protections for women’s rights, including abortion access,...

Gov. Reynolds statement on her decision to not appeal ruling against...

Gov. Kim Reynolds released the following statement on her decision not to appeal the ruling of Iowa District Court Judge Michael Huppert that Iowa...

Senate Sessions — Huge day in Iowa Senate subcommittees today with...

Tuesday will be a big day in the Iowa Senate. A subcommittee focused on religious liberty starts the day while there are many other...

If Dems Were in Control: Assisted suicide introduced by Democrats in...

“If Dems Were in Control” will be a feature here at The Iowa Standard that looks at some of the bills proposed by Democrats...

Senate Sessions — Right to keep and bear arms amendment to...

Iowa Senators return to the Capitol today with guns and medical cannabidiol on the agenda in Monday's subcommittees. SF 212: Senate File 212 was filed...

BORDER CRISIS: Border Patrol arrests previously deported sex offender

New Orleans Sector Border Patrol agents arrested a previously removed child sex offender early Friday morning in Lake Charles, La., after he was discovered...

BORDER CRISIS: CBP in Collaboration with HSI Intercepts Largest Cocaine Contraband...

A joint collaborative effort between U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s (ICE) Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) and U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Office of...

Snow Days Hitting Hard – What Solutions Are Possible?

From the Iowa House Republicans: After a mild beginning to the winter season, January hit the state hard with successive snow storms that blanketed the...

Bill addresses noncustodial parents receiving food stamp assistance not cooperating with...

Three Iowa Senators hashed out a bill in subcommittee on Thursday that would take away food stamp assistance for a parent if they are...

Rep. Hein: Sports betting continues to be an issue in House

From Rep. Lee Hein: One of the biggest issues that the Legislature is considering this session is whether the state should legalize sports betting. This...

Beginning of the end for Death Tax in Iowa?

Republican Senators Randy Feenstra and Jake Chapman voted a bill to repeal Iowa's inheritance tax through subcommittee on Thursday. Democrat Sen. Herman Quirmbach did...

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Where do you draw line on distracted...

Two years ago I wrote in opposition to the proposed ban on texting and driving in the Iowa Legislature. And here we are again,...

Sen. Zaun’s bill for runoff primary elections advances out of subcommittee

Not every bill filed in the Iowa Capitol is personal for the legislator who proposed the bill, but Senate File 36 certainly is personal...