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From Saturday’s email newsletter (if you want to receive our email newsletter, send your email address to [email protected]):

Good morning! Well this week went fast!

Last week I heard from multiple people about a chapel held at Dordt University right in Sioux County. A number of individuals reached out to make sure I knew about it. Dordt hosted Matthew Soerens, an advocate for all immigrants and refugees, for chapel less than one month before the 2024 Presidential Election.

Timing, as they say, is everything.

Soerens challenged students to think of immigration as a biblical issue rather than a political one. He said that Jesus was a refugee.

“If you are a follower of Jesus, you are a follower of a refugee,” Soerens said.

Shortly after he compared refugees to his 4-year-old son who, I believe, is an American citizen.

Soerens justified America spending resources on refugees because although refugees don’t offer an immediate return on the investment America makes to get them here, neither do 4-year-olds.

“If you looked at the average refugee let’s say four years after arrival, most of the time at that point they’re going to have received more from the American taxpayer than they have paid in in taxes,” Soerens said. “The same is true as my 4-year-old son. He is a total drain on the economy.”

Of course, there’s a major difference there. But whatever…

Soerens then admitted the “most controversial” group of immigrants is — in his words — “those who are not lawfully present.”

This obviously translates to illegal immigrants. He just may not be able to put those words together for some reason.

Soerens then made the argument that Christians must love their neighbor even if it is risky or unsafe. He said many Americans have concerns about refugees and other immigrants from Muslim-majority countries. But according to Soerens, our government has done a “really exceptional job” of establishing a vetting process.

“In our context, in the United States of America, in Northwest Iowa, welcoming refugees and other immigrants really isn’t particularly unsafe,” Soerens claimed.

Refugees, he declared, haven’t taken one single American life in an Islamist terrorist attack since 1980.

Incredibly, Soerens delivered this message on Oct. 9. It was on Oct. 8 that this headline emerged:

“Afghan national arrested for plotting an Election Day terrorist attack in the name of ISIS”

Nasir Ahmad Tawhedi was — you guessed it — an Afghanistan refugee.

Soerens then said while “a few” illegal immigrants have committed a crime, overall immigrants “consistently commit crime at lower rates than native-born U.S. citizens.” While he acknowledges there are “some risks,” he is quick to say it is important not to “over-inflate” the risks.

Immigrants, Soerens suggested, represent the “greatest hope for Christian renewal in North America.”

“When we welcome them, there’s a sense in which we’re welcoming Jesus Himself,” Soerens said.

Ironically, less than one week after Soerens delivered this chapel message, an illegal immigrant from Mexico stabbed two people in Hull while children were trying to just walk home from school. That illegal immigrant — Jorge Gomez Badillo — has been charged with two counts of attempted murder, as well as other charges.

Earlier this year, a 47-year-old called Onofre Bernardo-Mendez was charged with sexual abuse in the third degree by force and tampering with a witness. According to the Sioux County Sheriff, he used force to have sexual intercourse with a 20-year-old female. During the investigation, Bernardo-Mendez offered the 20-year-old victim cash with the intent to influence her testimony.

Bernardo-Mendez was released to ICE and in the country illegally.

Just last month we highlighted the list of names recently arrested by the Sioux County Sheriff’s Department. You can view that here.

Here is the deal — 100 percent of the crimes perpetrated by illegal immigrants are preventable if America would simply enforce its immigration laws and secure its border. Not one single illegal immigrant should be here. Not one. They have no right to be here.

That, friends, is why crimes committed by illegal immigrants is worse than crimes committed by citizens or people who are legally present in the country.

I don’t know how many victims of illegal immigrant crime it will take for people to wake up to the reality of the dangers posed by illegal immigration, but I know it’s going to be too many.

We’ve already seen Iowans die at the hands of illegal immigrants. We’ve seen college women killed by people who had no business being in our state to begin with. Their lives ended, brutally.

And we’re seeing it across the country.

It isn’t just resulting in the deaths of Americans, it is resulting in the destruction of our country. The sooner we wake up to that reality, the more of a chance we have at reversing our decline.

It isn’t racist to want our country to exist and be successful. It’s rational. America has a finite amount of resources to help people. And we need to help ourselves first. We simply are not doing that today.

America cannot succeed when it is being invaded. And it is being invaded. No serious country would allow itself to be invaded. Yet here we are.

Look, I get it. There are some Christians who don’t want to leave their comfortable life here in America to go into the Third World mission field. But that doesn’t mean we should be advocating to bring the Third World’s mission field into America.

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