A bill to allow “cashless wagering,” House Study Bill 578, passed the House State Government Committee last Tuesday. The bill would allow a direct connection between your bank account in your phone and the slot machine in casinos. The ICC is concerned about it becoming frictionless for people to lose their money.
House Study Bill 607 didn’t make it out of committee. The bill would reduce punishments and collateral consequences that come from noncriminal “technical” probation violations (such as missing a meeting). The plan is to not send people back to prison unless it’s necessary.
The ICC appreciates that House File 2422 was introduced last week, but there wasn’t time to get it out of committee. To encourage marriage among single-parent households, the income of a new spouse would be disregarded for two years for the purpose of continuing eligibility for welfare benefits. The idea is that the new family could start some savings.
Several proposals to cut unemployment insurance benefits are still alive, including House File 2279 and Senate Files 2275 and 2249