Jeremy Taylor, Woodbury County Supervisor and former member of the Iowa House, talked about his background and explained his desire to run for Iowa’s Fourth Congressional seat.
Both of Taylor’s parents were teachers. And they both displayed a desire to serve. Taylor himself was an English teacher and invited some World War II veterans to speak to his class because the students lacked an appreciation of the freedoms and opportunities they had before them and the cost of that freedom.
“I decided I’d bring in a whole host of World War II veterans to inspire them so that they could see the sacrifice that was before them,” he said. “Well that sacrifice inspired me. That sacrifice led me to enlist in the United States Army at 29 years of age.”
Taylor said he went to a deeper level of faith than he ever had through God’s Word, an inspiring chaplain and the prayers of his wife and family. He also shared his faith and counsel with his younger colleagues.
“That led me to a calling of an even higher authority,” he said. “So today I’m a United States Army chaplain in the Iowa National Guard.”
Taylor talked about his legislative record and noted he has always supported Congressman Steve King, but is concerned with King’s ability to win the Fourth District.
“We absolutely have to hold the Fourth District,” he said. “(We) cannot cede it if we’re going to take back the House of Representatives.”
Taylor said he’d balance the budget, defend the sanctity of all human life, defend the Second Amendment, lower taxes, slash regulations, reform healthcare using the free market, secure our borders and stand with our veterans.
“If we don’t take back the House of Representatives from the likes of Nancy Pelosi, Ilhan Omar and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, I don’t believe that our children are going to recognize the country that our parents and our grandparents and our Founding Fathers left to us. It’s absolutely important that we understand what the stakes are. When President Trump says that we’ll never be a socialist country, we have members of Congress who don’t know whether to applaud or to sit and stare in silence.”
Taylor said the debt cannot endure the New Green Deal.
“My wife and I know what this is like and where we’re headed because she lived in Vietnam,” he said. “Her father fought against socialism for the South Vietnamese Army alongside America and when the war ended in 1975 the communist North took over and the very first thing they did was disarm the populace.”
His wife’s father was sent to re-education in 1978. He died in 1986.
“They said you can’t take his body home because he hasn’t served a long enough sentence,” Taylor said. “Socialism is evil and I for one will be one who stands in the gaps to say as much.”