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Marco Rubio has gone on record that he hasn’t decided yet whether or not he will run for the 2024 Republican Nomination (in political speak that means he’s running for the 2024 Republican Nomination), but he’s off to a great start by pursuing a strong legislative agenda in the U.S. Senate introducing Bill S.2929 Mind Your Own Business Act of 2021. Senate Bill 2929 gives shareholders, who invested their hard-earned money in companies that have now been hijacked by woke infiltrators, the power to sue CEO’s for being reckless with their money and treating publicly traded companies as fronts for political activism.  Rubio has also introduced the Treatment Restoration for Emergency Therapeutics Act prohibiting Biden’s Department of Health and Human Services from interfering with manufacturers providing monoclonal antibody treatments for Covid-19 to hospitals and healthcare providers.

Unfortunately the Three M’s – McConnell, McCarthy, and McDaniel – who lost the Republican Party, the House of Representatives in, the past two elections –haven’t bothered to follow suit.  If anything it appears this un-holy Trinity is planning on throwing the 2022 Midterm elections too and snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.

Party In Crisis

Right now the U.S. Democrat Party is in crisis.  Having proven in less than a year since American’s cast their ballots in the 2020 elections, that they are unable to govern.  In Afghanistan, they pulled the troops out before the civilians and left behind billions in weapons for the Taliban, who remained undefeated after twenty years of war, in a fiasco worse than the Bay of Pigs.  Their vaccine mandates have created staffing shortages and crisis’s in hospitals, forces medical battery on millions of Americans, and worse is both creating a system of medicalized Racial Apartheid and deprived at-risk populations in 185 Nations around the world of vaccine access.  The stupid, greedy foreign policy blunder resulting in France recalling their ambassadors from America and Australia and outrage from the European Union.  The latest collapse of their infrastructure bill is a golden opportunity that the three stooges are letting slip away.

Now is the time to act and take control of the situation by offering a real bill that will dramatically remake America and spread economic populism.  Instead, Republicans are spitting on Americans warning that they are ‘entitled’ have no ‘work ethic’ and other self-righteous attitudes that are sinking the U.S. Republican Party’s chances to retake Congress.  Last year it was Mitch McConnell that stupidly held up the extra-stimulus in the Senate against sitting President Donald Trump.  It was Mitch McConnell that whined American’s who had lost their jobs in economies that had been shuttered by Government edicts under threat of arrest received $600 than $300 extra a week to pad the pitiful that unemployment pays.  It was Mitch that lost the 2020 election and whose stupid political stunts lost two easily winnable Senate races in Georgia.  It is Kevin McCarthy who has failed to produce a real legislative platform as Newt Gingrich did in 1994 to win back the House.  It was Kevin McCarthy that sat idly by during the failed recall election to oust California’s Governor, Gavin Newsom.  And it is Kevin McCarthy that wants to be the Republican Speaker of the House while declaring himself pro-abortion rights but anti-funding – despite even The New York Times writing May 6, 2020 ‘Trump Pushes Young Republicans Away.  Abortion Pulls them Back.’

Ronna McDaniel, Chair of the Republican National Committee, has allowed the sorry state of affairs by sitting on her hands the whole time, celebrating PRIDE month, and taking a laissez-faire approach to Republican success in elections (but then again she is a Romney.)

If the U.S. Republican Party wants to even be considered viable in the 2022 Midterm Elections it needs to do what it has avoided doing for decades – PUT UP OR SHUT UP.

On September 30, 2021, Fox News published an Op-Ed from Newt Gingrich:

‘Newt Gingrich: Happy anniversary, Contract with America.  Here comes the next chapter.’

“With the radicalism of the Big Government Socialists defining massively destructive policies, 2022 is a good year for Republicans to develop another positive agenda to unify Americans and rally voters.

Republicans can make history again – not for fame or acclaim, but for the good of Americans.” 

The problem is that’s just not going to happen unless Republicans can drop the sneer that is currently making Democrats un-popular and offer a different, but competitive program AND THEN CONVINCE AMERICANS THEY WILL ACTUALLY PASS IT (unlike the plethora of Pro-Life Legislation including PRENDA, the 20 Week Ban, Born Alive Act, etc . . . that languished even when they had Congress and the White House.)

Since the Republican Party can’t seem to put together a comprehensive legislative list, I went ahead and did it for them.

Expel Nancy Pelosi from Congress 

Nancy Pelosi is a disgrace.  But more to the point, she is a threat that must be removed from power.  Her Congressional district has proven they will not do it and Congressional Democrats will not block her from the Speaker’s gavel no matter how many promises they make.

During the pandemic, Pelosi behaved not only recklessly, but treasonously.

When Pelosi went to have her hair blown in the now-famous hair salon incident, she wasn’t just breaking Covid-19 rules.  She was endangering the Speaker of the House and a head of a branch of Congress.  At 80 years old, Pelosi is in a category that is high risk for contracting a fatal Covid-19 case and she knew that.

Then Pelosi refused to pass a separate funding bill for Pandemic Unemployment Assistance, even while Americans remained stranded after having their workplaces closed under threat of arrest.  Pelosi said she would not give up her ‘leverage.’

This was followed by Pelosi demanding a trillion-dollar Covid-19 relief bill, until after Donald Trump lost the election.  She then dropped her demand down from the trillions to the billions – a move that looks more and more like she was trying to manipulate the election.

Then on January 5th, 2021, Pelosi brought members of Congress who tested positive for Covid-19 to the floor of the House of Representatives for the sole purpose of voting for her as Speaker of the House (a fact that has been forgotten and overshadowed by the Capitol Riot.)

It is now looking more and more like Hillary Clinton’s campaign was behind the Trump-Russian Collusion charges that resulted in Trump’s first Impeachment.  It was Nancy Pelosi’s responsibility as Speaker of the House to vet the information, conduct a real investigation, and separate fact from fiction on behalf of the American People.  The fact that Michael Sussmann, an employee of the 2016 Clinton Campaign, was making tips to the FBI and making false statements to FBI General Counsel James Baker months before the 2016 election.  He also didn’t disclose that he was a paid employee of the Clinton campaign.

Nancy Pelosi’s entire past several years have involved delegitimizing an election and then trying to use the pandemic for personal achievement and political power.

Republicans should promise to expel her from Congress.

To do this, Republicans need to win 290 seats in the House of Representatives.

In 2010, Republicans won 242 seats.

In 2015, Republicans won 248 seats in Congress.

If Republicans flip 42 more seats they will have enough votes to expel Nancy Pelosi from Congress and prevent her from continuing to disgrace this chamber.

And let’s face it, Democrats have already proven they are willing to go there when they introduced a resolution to expel Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene early this year.

Pro-Family Policies 

For decades Radical Feminists have been remaking American Society, while the Pro-Family policies (that Republicans should have been pursuing) have fallen by the wayside.  This is evident in the fact that Republicans are currently bemoaning Americans not wanting not going back to work.  They haven’t bothered to consider the fact that Covid-19 permanently discredited the Radical Feminist movement – or that it also created a once-in-a-generation opportunity to repair the Nuclear Family.

The October 2021 Eagle Forum Report included a letter from Anne Schlafly Cori, Chairman, Eagle Forum, with the following statement:

“Millions of Americans who lost employment in March 2020 have chosen not to go back to work, despite the surfeit of job opportunities.  Most are women.  The labor force participation of women is at a 33-year low.  Since many women prefer the flexibility of part-time work, the service, retail, and hospitality industries are the ones most affected by the current worker shortage.

The dearth of Americans who want to be employed is due to several factors, including generous government benefits.  The Biden direct-to-the-bank-account $300 per month per child free money is a great incentive not to have paid work.  Since that payout is due to expire at the end of 2021, more Americans may decide to re-enter the labor force in 2022.

I think the real reason that many women have opted out of the workforce is because they are unhappy with their children’s education.  According to a recent poll by Rasmussen, 34 percent of Americans rate public schools as poor.  Parents are taking a more active roll in their children’s education, including participating in school board meetings and learning about just what nonsense is in the public school curriculum.  Plus, a number of parents oppose masking their children all day.” 

This should be a rallying cry for Republican lawmakers looking for an agenda.  Last year the closure of public schools and daycares proved that Universal Pre-K is a disastrous idea.  What good will it do to spend trillions on a universal child-care program if another virus or variant of Covid-19 could shut down these centers next year and parents are forced to quit their jobs to stay home?  The answer is none – which makes it strange that Lockdown Liberals like AOC are also pushing for it.

Equally important, women exiting the labor market is a good thing.  Before Covid-19 the Labor Market was tightening.  Covid-19 has created a labor shortage and if married women can financially stay home with their kids – this forces employers to pay more to fill job openings.  It creates higher wages and makes labor more competitive.

In the 1970s, Women’s Lib with its rush to force as many women as possible into the labor market created high unemployment and depressed wages by doubling the number of available workers.  This was a reversal of the 1930s New Deal Policies that helped married women exit dead-end menial labor jobs and forced employers to pay breadwinners more money.  This situation created financial security for the next forty years allowing families to only have to have one breadwinner.  In the 21st Century, married women exiting the labor market to take care of their children would also allow them to pursue education and job training in their spare time and then be ready to pursue a career once their children are old enough to be more independent.

Republicans struggling with how to implement this reform have a very simple two-part solution that Phyllis Schlafly, and Betty Friedan, proposed decades ago – Eliminate the real marriage tax ensuring homemakers have social security.

March 7, 2001, The Phyllis Schlafly Column published ‘The Hidden Meaning of Marriage Tax Repeal’:

“Is the purpose of cutting the marriage tax to accord long overdue socio-economic respect for marriage as an institution fundamental to our society and to the raising of children?  Or is the purpose to enable government to engage in national economic planning by using tax policy to influence human behavior?

If the purpose is the former, then it follows that all married couples with the same income should be taxed equally.  If the plan is to give a tax break to two-earner couples only, that will replace the marriage penalty with a new homemaker penalty.

. . .  Let’s say a married couple is struggling financially and needs more income to support the family, perhaps because of the birth of a child.  What choices are available?

In one family, assume the wife takes a job and puts her children in daycare.  This couple would get a married tax deduction of 10 percent of her salary up to $30,000; that chops as much as $990 off the family’s federal income tax bill (at the new 33 percent top Bush tax rate).  In addition, this couple qualified for the existing tax credit for child-care expenses, which is worth up to $960.

Now consider another family where the husband moonlights at a second job so his wife can care for their children at home.  This family will not qualify for either the new Bush marriage tax break or the child-care credit that exists in current tax law.

Thus husband and wife surely work just as hard in this second family as in the first.  Why should they pay up to $1,950 more in federal income taxes on the same family income?” 

The real solution is to allow homemakers to deduct the salary that they would have made worker from her breadwinner’s taxes.  This would certainly incentivize parents to take care of their children.  If a homemaker works part-time (and therefore not her fully earning capacity) she can deduct the difference.  This would be a great way for couples that make under $250,000 to have more of their own money back for their family.

Additionally, at present spouses and ex-spouses that have been married for ten years, are limited to receiving 50% of their spouse’s full social security benefit on retirement.

This is absurd.

In 1977, at the National Women’s Conference, the one Pro-Family resolution that found its way into the National Action Plan was the issue of homemakers and older women.

“Elimination of present inequities in social security benefits.  Recognition of the economic value of homemaking in social security benefits.”

Spouses should be able to collect 100% of their spouse’s benefit.”

This is a simple program built around tax deductions on the one hand and better pay-outs for retirement on the other, providing a strong financial benefit to the nuclear family.

Social Security and Unemployment

For TOOOOOO LONG – Republicans have stupidly and needlessly alienated American voters over these two issues.  Donald Trump on the other hand pursued a policy (at least rhetorically) of Economic Populism and taking care of the little guy and guess what – caring about his ratings resulted in voters turning out for HIM.  Whether he won or lost the 2020 election is immaterial – HE HAD A STRONG VOTER TURN-OUT that slimmed the Democrat majorities in both chambers and prevented the U.S. Democrat Party from forcing its agenda on America (the way they did in 2009.)

Social Security is a disgraceful situation that Republicans and Democrats alike should be ashamed of.  In 1983, Joe Biden voted to make 50% of Social Security benefits taxable (Ronald Regan also signed off on it.). Before 1983, Social Security benefits were not taxable.

Let this sink in – when the WWII Generation, after having gone through the Depression, won the Second World War, rebuilt America in the 1950s, and then kept it on curse during the turbulence of the 1960s and 1970s, became old enough to retire – Congress decided to saddle them with another burden in their old age.

They also decided to tax unemployment (an earned benefit).  Neither one of these programs should have ever been taxed and Republicans have a golden opportunity to reap two of the stupidest tax laws in history.  Repeal the Obamacare Tax Penalty was widely popular – but then again Congressional Republicans didn’t push this enough during Mid-Term elections.

Along those same lines – Unemployment restrictions, including denying unemployment for quitting, being terminated, and requiring recipients to take the first job that comes along are equally wrong.

This mentality is a fraud.  It is paying for car insurance and then when your vehicle is totaled agrees to replace the vehicle – BUT only if you purchase the first beater that you come across and when it dies six months later they say “Sorry, we paid for your last car.”  That’s exactly the scam that unemployment is currently running.

Unemployment isn’t an entitlement, it’s an earned benefit and frankly, it is neither desirable nor smart for someone to take the first job that comes along.  Doing so has a downward economic effect – you were working a $100,000 job and now unemployment forced you to take a $50,000 salary (even if waiting a few months might see an $80,000 salary come along.). Wages are similar – going from being paid $18/Hour to $12/Hour is not desirable.  Changing careers or industries so unemployment can avoid paying out its full benefit is not desirable.  It also adds more pressure to businesses that must retrain new employees if they are switching industries.

Again, before the 1980s America saw it this way.  It also prevented stunts like the one currently happening with the New York Department of Labor denying unemployment benefits to healthcare workers who have recently been fired for refusing to be subjected to coercive medical battery with vaccine mandates.  Republicans are also missing a golden PR opportunity to stand with these abused workers who labored during the worst of the pandemic are now being discarded by the New York Department of Labor run by the New York Democrat Party.  Where the hell are McCarthy, McConnell, and McDaniel?  They should have all flown to New York City and held a press conference with these workers showing solidarity and shaming the U.S. Democrat Party for their actions.  Again the three stooges were nowhere to be found.

By turning the clock back on unemployment, Republicans would effectively cut Cancel-Culture off at the knees.  A Woke Corporation that must pay more in Payroll Taxes for ex-employees, that will not be bullied, is more likely to rethink its position.  Employees that know they are financially secure are unlikely to cowed by the threat of ‘cancellation.’

Minimum Wagę and Labor Standards 

It’s also time Republicans get off their screeching about $15/minimum wage.  Minimum wages have been depressed for decades.  Republicans that smugly talk about how much they earned at their first job back when or react with horror at this wage are demonstrating just how economically ignorant they are.  The one word that has been missing from the Republican vocabulary for years is ‘INFLATION.’

The current Federal Minimum Wage is $7.25 an hour.

In 1968, Federal Minimum Wage was $1.60 an hour.

But when you adjust for inflation, $1 in 1968 was the equivalent of $7.86 cents.  The U.S. Minimum wage in 1968 came out to roughly $12.30!

In other words, Americans in 2021 and paying 2021 prices are working for a lower minimum wage than they would have received in 1968!

In 1960 the minimum wage was $1 and $1 was worth $9.24 2021 dollars.

A man who was working a part-time job as a teenager in the 1960s was making more money than if he retired in 2021 and took a part-time job to bring in a little additional income to gap his Social Security.

The Economic Policy Institute published a white sheet detailing this sad state of affairs on July 25, 2016 ‘The Federal minimum wage has been eroded by decades of inaction.’

Republicans whining that the minimum wage will kill jobs are ignoring the point – THAT’S WHAT IT WAS DESIGNED TO DO!  Minimum wage is designed to kill low-paying jobs that are sustainable and also force businesses to be economically sound before they start scaling and expanding.  Americans have been dealing with job expansion that wasn’t sustainable from businesses that weren’t economically sound or scalable for years.  The argument that America ‘can’t afford it is also not compelling –  The Federal Minimum Wage was passed during the Great Depression!  It would have been better if it had been passed during the Roaring ’20s BEFORE the market crashed so that Americans could have had money to put away.

When it comes to minimum wage, Republicans have another opportunity to knee-cap cancel culture.  Firing employees for any reason unrelated to their work (and especially off company time) treat them like a 24-Hour Employee, but only pays them for a few hours.  Let’s be clear – there is such a thing as a Brand Ambassador and they receive six and seven-figure salaries to always be on the clock projecting a certain image.  That doesn’t apply to 99% of employees out there.  Most employees are not hired or trained to be 24 Hour A Day Brand Ambassadors and they are certainly not being compensated for it.

It’s time Republicans specifically write into labor law that Employers that fire employees for any reason unrelated to their labor or business costs are guilty of this wage theft – receiving a service or market benefit they haven’t paid minimum wage for.  Employees should be able to demand on termination to be paid minimum wage, 24 hours a day, seven days a week (including over-time) from the first date of employment to their termination.  Employers will re-think ‘canceling’ employees or trying to economically coerce them to spread their message if they have to pay for it.

Such an action would also require funding for State Labor Commissions that are already backlogged and also require workplaces to conduct real labor educational rights training beyond hanging up a poster.

Worker Income Tax Exemption 

In 2012, Congressman Ron Paul argued we should stop taxing tips.  On January 31, 2012, in a Guest Column for the Las Vegas Sun Ron Paul: Stop Taxing Tips’ he argued:

“The truth is the majority of service-industry workers are paid low hourly wages and are expected to earn the rest of their income from tips. However, unlike regular wages, a service-sector employee usually has no guarantee of, or legal right to, a tip. Instead, the amount of a tip usually depends on how well an employee satisfies a client. But even good service doesn’t always guarantee a tip — especially during tough economic times.

Not only that, but tips provide a substantial portion of the income of many service-sector employees, many of whom are young people just trying to make a few extra dollars to get through school or single parents often balancing two jobs while trying to make enough to raise a family.

That’s why it’s an outrage that waiters, waitresses and other service-sector employees have to pay taxes on the tips they earn. And to add insult to injury, the IRS makes an estimate of how much service-sector workers will make in tips and taxes them on it even if the taxpayer did not actually earn as much as the IRS estimate!

. . . In fact, I’ve introduced the Tax Free Tips Act in Congress, which would exempt tips from federal income and payroll taxes, meaning no more taxes on tips. That’s because I understand ending taxes on tips will give these workers a pay raise, letting them keep more money to put toward things like a house or car payment, their retirement, or their own and/or their children’s education.”

Ron Paul is right – but let’s be clear it shouldn’t end there.  Minimum Wage jobs supposedly will not make enough to pay income taxes and yet still have income withheld from it.  Incidentally, they are also minimum wage jobs.

Teachers (Pre-K – 12) average teacher salary is around $60,000 net, same with Nurses and other essential workers.  People working our essential infrastructure should not be paying taxes – especially when Covid-19 proved American society is asking them to continue working during a pandemic and risk their health.

These three categories:

Tipped Workers

Essential Workers

Minimum Wage Workers

Would certainly create a ground-swell of votes that Republicans need.

Amnesty, not Austerity

Again, Republicans keep spitting on a golden electoral opportunity that would save Americans economically when they spurn forgiving student loans.  The fact of the matter is that most Americans didn’t use to have college debt for a variety of reasons, including cheaper prices, and that most industries didn’t shut them out if they didn’t have a college degree.

But as Republicans repeatedly point out – Colleges are not teaching real material today.  Post-Modernism, Post-Structuralism, etc . . . replaced education a long time ago.  American’s signed up for these courses because they were threatened with unemployment or career non-advancement if they didn’t buy into this insanity and Republicans sat by and did nothing.  It’s time that changed.


Congress should open investigations into Universities that charge exorbitant amounts for shared dorms and require students to live on campus when cheaper and more available housing exists off-campus.  Open an investigation into whether or not college coursework and degrees are keeping up with industry standards and whether universities exploited low-income students who took out student loans to cover high fees while defrauding them of skills and education.

Consider recent Newsweek Opinion Column on October 3, 2021 ‘How Did Universities Get So Woke?  Look to the Administrators’

“As a college professor, not a week goes by that I don’t hear from frustrated students who feel they cannot speak freely. It’s not just my students, of course; a 2021 survey found that over 80 percent of American college students self-censor. But it’s not only their fellow students who are making students feel ashamed to voice their views; the data shows that Gen Zers—those born after 1996—are less censorious than their millennial elders. Moreover, there’s evidence to suggest that some of the pressure of ideological conformity is coming from much higher up—specifically, from university administrators.”

Congress should also open a Federal Investigation into schools that sign assurances that they are compliant with Federal Laws including Free Speech and the Civil Rights Act, but are holding segregated graduations and treading all over the First Amendment and Due Process.  It’s time that private Americans should be relieved of the burden of pursuing long and drawn-out lawsuits to defend their rights (with settlements Colleges ignore the minute the student graduates) and start criminally prosecuting University Administrators, Chancellors, Presidents, Deans and Department Chairs for lying to Congress while receiving Federal Funds.

Enact Non-Delegation Laws

It is beyond time that Congress requires all Administrative policies enacted under Congressional authorization to be submitted to Congress for approval.  No Federal Department should be allowed to write and enforce a rule without receiving Congressional approval in the first place.

No more passing vague legislation and allowing unelected bureaucrats to write the real laws.  Between the American Procedures Act giving American’s the right to comment and participate in rule-making and Congress the power to approve or reject the actual rules, power will be back in the hands of the people.

Human Life Amendment 

Republicans have been promising the Right to Life Movement for years they would take action and doing nothing.  Pro-Life voters are demoralized because they know Republicans will do nothing.  Meanwhile, Democrats have been aggressively pushing to codify abortion into federal law.  They’re even arguing to get the ERA into Constitution because they believe it will be a backdoor for abortion rights.

Republicans can and should counter this by re-introducing and pushing the 1973 Human Life Amendment:

Section 1.  Neither the United States nor any State shall deprive any human being, from the moment of conception, of life without due process of law; nor deny to any human being, from the moment of conception, within its jurisdiction, the equal protection of the laws.

Section 2.  Neither the United States nor any State shall deprive any human being of life on account of illness, age, or incapacity. 

Section 3. Congress and the several States shall have the power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.

This amendment’s wording is perfect.  It addresses the fundamental issue, while at the same time allowing that exception must be granted in some cases “without due process of law.”  The basis of all anti-abortion laws (even pre-Roe vs. Wade) was that there must be due process and compelling cause for an abortion (such as the mother being in danger of death or severe fetal deformity).  The same applies to the situation of Euthanasia and the Death Penalty.  This amendment explicitly prohibits State mandate Euthanasia while leaving the specific private end-of-life decisions in private hands, it also doesn’t prohibit the death penalty when due process has been applied.  What it does prohibit is allowing for murder and treating innocent human lives as though they were ‘a choice.’

It also forces Democrats into the awkward position of denouncing a basic human right in plain terms.  Do Democrats really want to be branded the party of pre-natal murder, disabled or elderly murder?  They certainly didn’t a few years ago when Sarah Palin hit them with the ‘death panels’ charge, or when Donald Trump claimed Hillary Clinton would legalize abortion through all nine months.

Pro-Lifers need a reason to vote and the Human Life Amendment not only gives them a reason to elect more Pro-Lifers to Congress, it means that Mid-Term elections will no longer rise or fall with the President’s performance alone.  Since the President and Supreme Court’s approval or support for a Constitutional Amendment is not required, Pro-Lifers can vote for members of Congress with the assurance that something will finally happen.

Define ‘Sex’ 

In an update on the Wi-Spa Case from my article August 5, 2021 ‘Inside the Trans-Mania’, the man identifying as a woman at the Korean Spa in Los Angeles was not only apprehended but turned out to be a registered sex-offender with a history of criminal convictions for the same behavior.

In one specific section I’ll briefly quote here I discussed Trans-Sourced Assaults (TSA’s):

The most common propaganda talking point is to paint “Trans-Women” as victims and martyrs.  Men claiming to be women are more likely to commit crimes, specifically sexually assaulted offenses.

In the United Kingdom, 18% of the total prison population are incarcerated for sexual offenses.

However, in terms of the male prison population claiming to identify as women more than half are sex offenders.

When the Supreme Court decided to pass their stupid ruling last year they pretended that the term ‘sex’ for legal purposes can include ‘gender identity’ which in the hands of LGBTQ+ activists is now divorced from biological reality.  Gender Identity can’t even be quantified by them – it means some vague, shared, mental sense of self that people share but has nothing to do with biological sex, even though it involves identifying as a ‘man’ or a ‘woman, ’ . . . this gibberish is really what the U.S. Supreme Court allowed.

Last year Hungary ended legal recognition of ‘transgender’ by defining the term ‘sex’ as being “biological sex based on primary sex characteristics and chromosomes.” 

It’s time Congress not only follows suit but prohibits the creation or existence of any legal class that does not conform to this definition when it comes to sex (excepting hermaphroditic or intersex individuals – but even here we are still dealing with primary sex characteristics and chromosomes.)

This will decisively end a very ugly culture war that will produce no winners but a great many victims.  It will also provide some clear direction firmly grounded in reality and science again.

Congress should also ban any Federal Court from reviewing this law, just like they prohibit lawsuits against Big Tech with the notorious Section 230.

Allow Trans-Lawsuits

Republicans should absolutely unleash the Trial Lawyers on the Trans-Mania.  Currently, there are MANY ‘de-transitioners’ who are dealing with the consequences of permanent plastic surgery.  They were told they could ‘change their sex’ when those medical professionals knew that was impossible.  They were also encouraged to harm themselves through plastic surgery and had their mental illness encouraged.

Congress should create a $3 Billion dollar damage tort to last them the rest of their life against Plastic Surgeons, Doctors, Medical Providers, Counselors, Psychologists, etc . . . and slap a multi-trillion dollar industry with as many lawsuits as possible.

Highly publicized De-Transition Trials and High Payouts will make Pain Profiteers seriously reconsider what they are doing, give the media pause about the narrative they are currently supporting and put Trans-Klans activists on notice they should watch their step.

Likewise, Americans have every right to sue for damages to their mental health inflicted by the Trans-Mania.  The argument that ‘Transgender’ should be allowed to pretend they are members of the opposite sex because of a problem with their brain or psychology ignores one major aspect – the rest of us did not consent, agree or sign up to be part of that therapy.  It is criminal to demand that Americans with no training as therapists be asked to behave as such in their everyday lives.

Even professional therapists are only expected to spend a limited amount of time providing care and then for payment.  The Trans-Klan and their accessories are exhibiting their full narcissism where the rest of the world is co-dependent, required to meet their needs, and be a 24-hour psychiatric treatment facility.  We aren’t and it is criminal that we should be treated in this way.  Congress should allow for lawsuits against the Trans-Klan against any business, activist group, etc . . . that causes mental cruelty to the rest of us with their obscene experimentation.

It’s time to give the real victims of this psychosis a platform and damages, as well as the power to hold accountable the real criminals in this scenario.

Coercive Medical Battery 

Likewise, Republicans should allow an employee to sue any Employer that coerced them to undergo Medical Battery with Vaccine Mandates.  Private Employers are not entitled to demand employees undergo medical procedures and being ‘private’ doesn’t mean above the law.  Republicans should send a strong signal to any of these organizations trying to coerce people that when Republicans return to power there will be hell to pay for their actions.

Consider Mark Cuban’s recent attempts to use his narcissism to justify his coercion:

“The thing is Cole, when you protect your employees and customers, it’s good for business. Plus, my healthcare costs have gone up due to covid. I now require vaccinations. When emps and customers don’t agree, they go elsewhere. It is their choice. That is the way business works.”

You can read the whole thread here where https://www.chron.com/sports/texans/article/Mark-Cuban-Cole-Beasley-vaccine-requirement-NFL-16508395.php

Cuban admits that vaccinated is not the same as negative and existing Covid-19 Vaccines don’t prevent disease transmission.

“Yes Cole, they can get it from a vaccinated person. But there are hundreds of millions of vaccinated people they can’t catch it from because those people got vaccinated and didn’t catch covid. That Cole is the entire point. The more people that are vaccinated the lower the chance”

Cuban is clearly very manipulative, but not very smart as he contradicts himself in the same tweet.  But consider his narcissistic entitlement – coercing people to undergo medical battery because “my healthcare costs have gone up”!  People can go somewhere else if they disagree, that is the way business works?

No, that is not the way business works.  Business is not entitled to coerce medical battery or interfere with employees private lives.  Business is not a lawless entity and employees are not slaves.

Will Mark Cuban start requiring employees to have abortions if that’s better for his healthcare costs?  After all, what if he doesn’t want to deal with employees taking time off, or pay maternity leave, or other benefits?

But then again consider Cuban’s history – First Cuban brags he started his first business as a teenager by screwing over workers at the local newspaper striking for a better wage, getting newspapers from another city, and selling them in the striking area undermining the strikers.  Cuban joined the series Shark Tank, a tv show that glamorized Billionaires during the 2009 financial crisis and thrived by offering predatory deals to creators.  Since then different companies the ‘sharks’ have invested in have been investigated for illegal labor exploitation, wage theft, and consumer rip-off (Inquisitr July 30, 2020, The Sydney Morning Herald March 1, 2019, News4SA July 26, 2018,) But then Cuban himself was exposed for the sort of owner he is in 2018 when SI.com ran its story on the Mavericks Basketball Team ‘Exclusive: Inside the Corrosive Workplace Culture of the Dallas Mavericks.’

As Maya Angelou once said, “When people show you who they are, believe them the first time.”

Mark Cuban doesn’t seem to be aware that 75% of all vaccinations have been concentrated in 10 countries or that his coercive medical battery is depleting the vaccine supply leaving high-risk populations (the elderly and those with comorbidity) in 185 countries around the globe without any protection whatsoever.  He only cares about his healthcare costs and believes it is his employees’ responsibility to lower them for his financial benefit at their own risk.  If an employee dies, has a bad reaction, etc . . . in the process that’s not Cuban’s problem.

Cuban of course claims to be a fan of Ayn Rand.  Like most Randians, he imagines himself as a John Galt when he’s really a James Taggert.  It might surprise him to learn that Ayn Rand publicly denounced Government Mandatory Vaccines and specifically pointed out that un-vaccinated pose no danger to the vaccinated if the vaccine works.  Cuban can play the “I’m a private business” card all he wants, but American’s do not accept that this entitles a business to use coercion – economic or legal – to achieve its ends.

Republicans should make it clear that they will pass legislation in 2023, if they win in 2022, allowing every single employee and customer to bring lawsuits against entitled Billionaires like Cuban.  They should also make it clear that if an employee or customer has an adverse reaction, or even death, because of taking a vaccine by mass prescription (not because it was determined between an individual and a doctor familiar with their medical history) that employers like Cuban should be on the line for those damages (including wrongful death if applicable) as well.


Republicans have the momentum and can easily win – they just have to do it.  They need to stop talking about 2020 and Trump 2024 and start talking about America 2022.  Right now the biggest thing defeating Republicans at the polls is defeatism and demoralization of their voter base, and not ditching McConnell, McCarthy, and McDaniel.

Author: David Krouse


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