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Are you afraid? How easily do you give in to fear manipulation? Are you fear porn addicted?
After all:
About 75 years ago Herman Herring gave a testimony in the Nuremberg court, he was asked:
“How did you force the German people to accept all this? “
He replied:
“It was easy, it has nothing to do with Nazism, it is related to human nature. This can be done in a Nazi, socialist, communist regime, monarchy and even in terms of democracy.
The only thing you need to do to enslave people is to scare them. If you can find a way to scare people, you can make them do what you want.”
Sounds familiar with all the scaremongering going on, especially the past two years. Selling fear is big business. And verrry profitable.
The fear mafia, regardless of stripe, is running rampant. We see it in the current oppressive government, restrictions of free speech, freedom of movement, freedom of commerce,
freedom to practice one’s religious beliefs, personal medical decisions and choices, destruction of young minds and shutting parents out using racism and pornography alleged to be education, destruction of animal producers and ownership, agriculture and nonagriculture alike, personal property seizure protected by qualified immunity, etc.
Their carefully constructed emotional playbook was perfected.
And we know how easily the general public has been purposely deceived as of late. You know, they just wear a mask, distance, yada, yada, only 2 weeks to flatten the curve. Must have been using common core math because we are now at 2 years. Then it was just get the shot and things will be okay after so many get shot up. You can go about your business as before. Whoops. Ummm, gotta backtrack a bit. You’re going to need to mask up, distance and all that other stuff cause the shots aren’t doing diddley. Now you need two shots and that should take care of the issue. Whoops. Miscalculated, again, as you can still give and receive the bug. Gonna need to get that booster. Oh, they’re only good for 6 months, so you’re gonna need to get another. And so it goes on, and on, and on. Just like the Energizer bunny.
We know about the public’s manipulation, but how about another segment that operates almost exclusively on fear. The legislators. Yes, legislators. Let’s include sheriffs and judges, too, while we’re at it. You know, the very ones that have sworn oaths to uphold the U.S. and state constitutions? Those documents that guarantee your inalienable, God-given rights? Those legislators and public officials that you elect based on their word.
So, elected ones, just how strong are your spoken beliefs? There is a direct correlation between those words and how much one is willing to take scorn, media smears, threats, bribes, name-calling, bullying. Oh, bullying. Remember what a big deal it was a few years ago and how so many were adamantly against it? Even had a bill about it? Telling people to stand strong against it? Yes? Ummmmmm. Ahem. Sure. Okaaaay.
Persuasion by fear. Threats. Fear of not getting voted back in. A very common and an openly used tactic of “we will remember the next election”, “vote them out”, etc. Along with the fear of reduction
in campaign dollars.
Prove it! You say.
Oh, so you want some examples of the fear tactics at the statehouse? Here ya’ go. HF 737 – a bill tightening the noose on animal maltreatment. You know why it passed? FEAR. Pure. Plain. Simple. Fear.
Quote to me. “We were afraid if we didn’t give it to them, they would be back next year with something worse.” Sorry, that is a really pathetic excuse. ‘Cause, you know what?
They (HSUS – Iowa and followers) were already plotting what to bring back the next session, before the bill was even signed. HSUS – Iowa has been working with legislators during the interim.
Then, “Let’s just give them this, otherwise they will keep coming back. ” Really? Guess what, they are coming baaack. And they will keep coming back to wear you down.
Hint. This ideology will NEVER quit regadless of how much you give in to them. Why is that so difficult to understand?
Oh, and remember several years back when legislators were making a big hullabaloo about bullying? Even passing legislation? Well, lookie, lookie whose practicing it.
“If you don’t vote for this bill, then you are………” Rep. David Maxwell with the veterinary immunity bill. Rep. Jared Klein with the unconstitutional and illegally passed ‘back the blue’ bill with the qualified immunity section. BTW, show me in either of the constitutions the provision for “special laws for special jobs” (Rep. Klein) Not a single legislator can answer that. Neither can the governor’s office. Hint. It doesn’t exist.
And they bowed in obeisance. EXCEPT for those brave legislators that remained faithful to their oaths of office.
By the way. Several times I have issued the challenge to prove me wrong on several occasions. Especially with the unconstitutional qualified immunity. Only one legislator made an attempt. Rep. Steve Holt said that nothing was done illegally to pass the bill. That was it. No explanation. No validation. No reference to Iowa code. Iowa code 2.56 is very explicit about impact studies on amendments. Rep. Klein’s pretzeled discombooberated excuse to Rep. Mary Wolf’s challenge was beyond any form of credibility. Shame on House leadership for their sneaky tactics. Shame on every single representative that failed to speak against the tactics and illegal passage.
Isn’t it an interesting study in human nature that some can remain strong and true to their words on certain issues, but when it comes to animals, they suddenly cower, tuck tail, and
then scurry to the corner. Quivering, hoping and praying they don’t get accused of hating animals, of condoning cruelty?? Again, there are a few exceptions that have taken a tremendous amount of heat fighting for your constitutionally guaranteed right to private property, to be safe and secure in your self, homes, possessions. Huge, huge thanks to those few brave souls.
Again, the challenge. Prove me wrong. Be sure explanation and validation accompanies.
So. What level is your fear porn addiction?
As Rep. Mark Cisneros hit the bullseye dead center, “This place operates on fear.” The most honest thing I’ve ever heard come out of that place.
– Betsy Fickel