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On Tuesday, Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey launched an investigation into Liberty Safe’s policies regarding the release of customer safe codes to third parties. This investigation comes on the heels of Liberty Safe providing the Federal Bureau of Investigation with the password to a customer’s safe at the law enforcement agency’s request. The FBI did not have a court order ordering Liberty Safe to provide the safe’s combination.

The civil investigative demand, or subpoena, will look into whether Liberty Safe fully discloses to its customers the terms under which it will allow third parties, including law enforcement agencies, access to a customer’s safe when either the customer’s consent is not expressly given or the disclosure is not legally required.

“In an era where the federal government weaponizes our national security apparatus against political opponents, the last thing we need is for a private company to sell out its fellow Americans under pressure from federal bureaucrats,” said Attorney General Bailey. “I am using every tool at my disposal to protect the rights of all Missourians. That’s why my office is opening this investigation to ensure Liberty Safe is not deceiving its customers in its terms of service.”

The Consumer Protection Section of the Missouri Attorney General’s Office receives complaints and investigates potential violations of the Missouri Merchandising Practices Act. Missourians who believe they may have encountered unlawful business practices are encouraged to file a complaint with the Attorney General’s Office by calling the Consumer Protection Hotline at (800) 392-8222 or by submitting a complaint online at ago.mo.gov.

Author: Press Release


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