New ad highlights Baccam’s radical open borders plan

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The National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) launched a new TV ad in IA-03 on Tuesday.

The TV ad highlights Lanon Baccam’s radical open border plan that is costing Iowa taxpayers.

This spending comes as part of the NRCC’s previously announced advertising reservation, which included a significant investment in IA-03.

Watch “Pay The Bill” HERE.


“Five thousand illegal immigrants per day.”

“One point eight million per year.”

“That’s what Iowans could get with Lanon Baccam’s radical open border plan.”

“And once they’re here, Lanon Baccam could force Iowans to pay the bill.”

“Millions in free meals and hotel rooms funded by taxpayers.”

“Straining critical resources.”

“Increasing everyday costs.”

“Lanon Baccam chose them over you.”

“So it’s time to reject Lanon Baccam.”

Author: Press Release


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