So the nation’s largest abortion provider is also the nation’s largest provider of sex education. What could go wrong there?
Other than motives and money and incentives for the nation’s largest abortion provider to promote behaviors through sex education that will lead to more abortions which will lead to more money for the nation’s largest abortion provider…
I’m sure you see where that circular argument is going to end up.
I checked out a video on Planned Parenthood’s website to see what sort of language and tone are used by the nation’s largest abortion and sex education provider. This video aims to educate young people (16 and older) about STDs. It shows how to negotiate safer sex.
And it’s all done in a very celebratory manner.
“OK, so you two want to have sex with each other. Yay for you.”
Fifteen seconds in and young people are already shown the protection they need for anal sex.
“All the things you need to make your sex the best sex.”
Then young people are subjected to a couple talking about the pill, condoms, STDs and lube. Intentional or not, sex without a condom sounds a lot more enjoyable in the video than with one.
So, safety or enjoyment…what will a young person likely choose?
Less than two minutes in the video checks in on a lesbian couple. The conversation is very cavalier.
“It’s more common (to get STDs) if you go down on a guy, but you can still get STDs in your mouth from eating a girl out. You can get herpes like that.”
The protection feels good and smells good, according to the video. Trying it could be fun, one of the gals says.
Oh, and the third couple is two dudes who are in a make-out session right away. A lot more condom talk follows.
Lesson plans are available on the website too. The groups get into pairs and practice conversation skills. Each pair receives two cards from the STD Role-Play: Scenarios. One or two volunteers role-play in front of the large group.
Some of the scenario cards:
Other lesson plans include creating a plan.
“Given my sexual orientation and the kinds of sex I think I might have (whether now or in the future) I will have the following supplies on hand to have safer sex:
Students are encouraged to circle all that apply — condoms, dental dams, lube, gloves or others.”