AJ Foster

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  • Donald Trump’s Truth Social Bans Dr Sherri Tenpenny… Here’s the Reason Why

  • Secretary Pate launches Election Security in Iowa webpage to dispel election misinformation and disinformation

    Did Pate share the facts about Dominion insecurity flaws that CISA copped to last Friday? Nope. But he did borrow CISA's disinformation talking point. I wonder if he looked into whether or not there are any Mules operating in Iowa? No matter, TTV are looking into Red States, including Iowa. And not just Mules but communications.
  • Secretary Pate, state and federal agencies reassure voters of Iowa’s election integrity

    Ironic that Pate mentions Voter ID security as word just came out today that the ID verification system is down statewide and expected to be down tomorrow as well https://youtu.be/4Y44PKYaSH4 Just a coincidence or planned for screwing up voter verification? See something, say something
  • The betrayal of Grassley, Ernst, GOP House members against pro-life, pro-school choice Republicans continues

    In other words, the usual DIABLOs - Demonrat In All But Label Only. Can't serve two masters - - can't serve both God and vote/support satanic agendas.
  • Grassley, Carlin spar over vaccine mandates

    What a hoot. Grassley never defended medical freedom. He just went along with whatever his corporate sponsors and the "experts" told him to do. No independent thought or action of his own, as if on cruise control. The only time he got feisty or pushed back, was to his constituents whenever they petitioned for redress of their grievances. Basically; "shut up you ignorant little people!" Case closed, the experts have spoken.
  • With Fertilizer Costs Crushing Iowa Farmers, Ernst, Grassley Urge Biden Admin to Prioritize Lasting Trade Relationships

    Blaming inept trade policies on muh Russia and Chyna again. As Trump said before, domestic manufacturing and production is National Security. But noooo, the swamp knows better and couldn't wait to see Trump gone, even if Biden took over. How's that disenfranchisement of the voters going for ya. How about anti-trust investigations into Warren Buffet and others who are forcing producers to reduce shipments of fertilizer, diesel etc which directly increases costs? Or investigating government agencies running amuck, thus reducing and/or restricting production? So much vapidness, SMH
  • FLASHBACK: Sen. Grassley says if COVID test or vaccine is required to travel by train or plane and someone doesn’t want it, they have to find another way to travel

    “Well, I don’t know if that will keep people from traveling or not. I suppose if that was a requirement and you wanted to travel by airplane or I suppose it could apply to trains as well, you might not be able to travel the way you’d want to travel. You’d have to find other ways of traveling, which obviously maybe by car. But I don’t see the federal government forcing people to get vaccinated.” At some point, Grassley either has to get tired of misreading the Biden administration and Demonrats in general. Or he doesn't care, preferring to vote...
  • If Iowa House Republican leadership really wants school choice, why is it endorsing an anti-school choice incumbent in primary?

    They don't just think we're stupid, they actually hate anyone that might cause them to lose $$$ from organizations that are not even the PEOPLE as described in our Constitution. So much for their oath of office, as meaningless as the lip service they give us, while their lips are firmly attached to the teat of lobbyists. Iowa Constitution, Article 1, Bill of Rights, Section 1, Political Power: All political power is inherent in the PEOPLE. Government is instituted for the protection, security, and benefit of the PEOPLE, and they have the right, at all times, to alter or reform...
  • Chuck Grassley’s voting record has led Iowans into Medical Tyranny

    "Based on this voting record, can we say Senator Grassley played a significant role in the policies leading to the atrocities committed over the past two years?" Yes we can. And the "Healthcare" industry, including Big Pharma paid him handsomely over the years. His oath was ignored so as to do the will of his paymasters rather than look out for and heed we the people. Shame on you, Chuck. You aided and abetted enemies of the people under the guise of following the science, either out of ignorance or being fooled by the medical establishment. Either way, it doesn't...
  • Grassley votes in support of sending $40 billion to Ukraine, Biden applauds passage

    TREASON https://ballotpedia.org/Article_I,_Iowa_Constitution In our own Bill of Rights, our Iowan Forefathers believed that our right to be protected from treason by the entrusted servants was just as important as our right to speech, exercise of religion, or for that matter, from abuses of eminent domain, ie CO2 pipeline. Article 1 BILL OF RIGHTS, Section 16 TREASON: Treason against the state shall consist only in levying war against it, adhering to its enemies, or giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason, unless on the evidence of two witnesses to the same overt act, or confession in...