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Since Roe v. Wade, abortion has taken the lives of over 65 million of our preborn brothers and sisters.  But also, in the wake of that tragedy, it has wounded 65 million women and countless men, siblings, grandparents and other family members.  Abortion hurts women in a profound way, and it has contributed to a society of walking wounded; women hurting and in need of healing from their abortion decision.

We need only talk to those involved in post-abortive counseling to understand the deep physical, psychological, emotional, and spiritual pain these women endure because of their abortion decision.

A women chooses abortion for a variety of reasons.  But more times than not, she feels she has no other option.  She doesn’t have the support of her family, is lied to by the abortion industry that this is a quick fix with no consequences.

In many instances she is pressured by the father of the baby.

SHE is a victim of abortion.

SHE needs our compassion and support.

SHE needs help and healing.

Pulse Life Advocates has been a leader in the pro-life movement for over 50 years.  Each and every day is spent trying to create a culture of life.  It’s to save babies AND save mothers.  We love them both!

The pro-life movement is pro-woman.  As such, we will not support any legislation that would criminalize women.

We need to advance laws that protect unborn children and do not harm women, which is why Pulse Life Advocates withdrew support for HF2256 upon learning that it criminalizes women.

Author: Press Release


  1. Dear Pulse Life Advocates,
    With all due respect for your work, and with an acknowledgement of your good intentions, let me offer a loving criticism. Unfortunately, the pro-life establishment is compromised and inconsistent on the second victim narrative. The vast majority of aborting women are not coerced victims. Yes, they have been lied to and are often scared and pressured. But it’s called the pro-choice movement for a reason – these women make the choice to kill their babies. To kill a stranger is wrong – how much worse to kill your own helpless child?

    What I’m advocating for is consistency. We agree that human life – both inside the womb as out – is equally valuable. Since this is true, the laws that protect humans should be equally applied. Those with the same inherent value deserve the same legal protections. Consistency requires we acknowledge both men and women are capable of grave evil, and both must be held to account.

    Has the pro-abortion lobby sown great confusion in our culture? Undoubtedly. But inconsistent pro-life laws that give mothers special murder rights only perpetuate and further entrench the pro-choice rhetoric and dehumanization of preborn babies. By granting women legal immunity, we are signaling to confused women (and men) that we don’t really believe murder of the unborn humans is morally equivalent to murder of born humans. Either it is murder, or it is justifed. You can’t have it both ways.

    Perhaps an analogy would help: would you erase punishments for murder and grant blanket immunity to those raised in a cannibalistic culture where it was deemed acceptable? Would you give gang violence a pass because many of the perpetrators are raised in fatherless homes and are victims of violence themselves? No.

    While pro-choicers spin this by saying we’re punishing mothers, the reality is that it’s about protecting the innocent. When a woman willingly takes a pill to kill her baby, she becomes the abortionist, and as you know, this is increasingly the preferred means of abortion. HF 2256 does not criminalize mothers, but the act of murder.

    The Bible is clear that God condemns partiality (Leviticus 19:15, James 2:1) – which is the sin of showing unfair favor to one group/class over another. And while we must continue to show mothers God’s grace in the gospel, we also know God has instituted human governments to “punish those who do evil” (1 Peter 2:14).

    Please know that all of this is offered in the spirit of love, not arrogant divisiveness. I am praying you see the inconsistency, and advocate for what is logically and morally sound.

    Pastor Lincoln Larsen

  2. Tell us you aren’t consistently pro life while claiming to be pro life.

    Do women sin? Are there sins that women are more prone to? Has your pastor ever addressed these sins from the pulpit?


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