A few of The Iowa Standard’s readers have reached out with questions about Monday’s Iowa Caucus. It’s clear what the Democrats’ top priority is entering Monday, but many have asked what to expect or why they should bother attending the Republican Caucus.
Every other year, the caucus provides an opportunity for Iowans to get involved deeper with their local political party of choice. As for the Republicans, state co-chair Cody Hoefert said the Iowa GOP is ready for 2020.
“The state party is in a very good position as we head into the caucus season,” he said. “We’ve done hundreds of caucus trainings with our county chairs and with our precinct captains. We feel really good where we’re at as a party. We understand that the eyes of the nation will be on Iowa and we are prepared to show them the best Iowa has to offer.”
While President Donald Trump seems to have a clear path to an Iowa Caucus victory as former Congressman Joe Walsh has struggled to raise money and break through the Party apparatus, there is other business to be done.
“Many folks might be curious as to why it matters to caucus this year when there is not a competitive primary,” Hoefert said. “It’s important to remember that the caucus is first and foremost a Party building apparatus for the local county parties. It’s also important that we elect good folks to be county central committee members, district delegates and county convention delegates.”
For those who want to be involved in writing the platform and determining what the Party stands for, that chance starts Monday.
“Plus, we want to make sure that the President knows and can see the support he has throughout Iowa,” Hoefert said.
Some Democrats have questioned whether Iowa should retain its first-in-the-nation status for various reasons. Hoefert told us that Iowans are cut out for this role.
“I absolutely love the Iowa Caucuses and the fact that the great people of Iowa, who do such a good job asking tough questions and holding candidates accountable, have the experience necessary to stop the spin from DC politicians and get to the truth, have the opportunity and responsibility to go first,” he said. “I love the fact that any candidate, no matter your name ID or your money, has the opportunity to come to Iowa, meet with folks and convince them as to why you think you should be the next President.
“Being first in the nation is a special privilege and a sacred honor that the people of Iowa get and they do an amazing job.”
For Hoefert, who has long been a key player in local Republican politics and has helped maintain Lyon County’s strong conservative roots, the caucus is like a family reunion.
“It’s good to get together, visit, share ideas on how to grow our Party and support each other and the issues that are important to our Party,” he said.
As for the constant Democrat campaigning in Iowa, Hoefert said Iowans can see just how far Left the Democrat Party has gone.
“The media spent so much time focusing on the liberals traveling around Iowa, spreading their socialist, free-everything ideas, for the last year,” Hoefert said. “When you look at the Democrat Party, it’s obvious they went so far to the Left that they don’t relate to hard-working, everyday Iowans.
“Iowans understand that nothing is free, and when the liberals keep talking about that, whether it be for healthcare or college, they understand that really what they’re talking about is raising taxes and reducing liberty for the working people of Iowa.”
For those looking for their caucus location, you can find the location of Republican caucuses here.
Democrats can find their location here.