Republican State Rep. Eddie Andrews is one of the biggest targets of Iowa Democrats in the Iowa House.
There are a couple of reasons for that.
One, Rep. Andrews won a “battleground” seat. Democrats spent a lot of money to retain the seat, but their money wasn’t enough to beat Eddie’s two feet, as he says. Eddie put in the work, listened to the voters and earned their support.
Second, Rep. Andrews hasn’t always been a Republican. I’ve heard him tell the story a few times.
Third, and not surprising at all, he’s a target of Iowa Democrats because he had the audacity to run for Iowa House as a black man in the state of Iowa.
He is a contradiction to the core of the Democrat Party.
Unfortunately, because of his conservative beliefs, he will now take countless bullets and arrows from the Left.
Those arrows and bullets shouldn’t come from fellow legislators. They should know better. They should be above it.
But Democrat State Sen. Claire Celsi can’t help it. Celsi called Andrews a “sellout” on Twitter.