The Senate has approved Senate File 2369, labeled the Parent’s Bill of Rights. Here are some of those rights:
The right to know what the school is teaching the child.
The right to information on who is teaching the child.
The right to information on who contracts with or receives money from the school.
The right to access to the child while in school unless prohibited by a court order.
The right to access and review all school records relating to the child except those relating to child’s reporting of violations of law by the parent, or involving threats to the child.
The school shall not require any student to engage in any activity involving sexually explicit material without prior written consent of the student’s parent or guardian.
The school shall not require any student to engage inactivity involving sexually explicit material, without the express prior written consent of the parent of guardian.
The school shall make every effort to prohibit a minor child from accessing sexually explicit material in a classroom computer.
A school that maintains an electronic catalog of library material, or a non-electronic catalog shall grant access to the parent or guardian.
There are a limited number of tuition scholarships to a non-public school for low incomeparents whose children attend a low performing school.
A modest amount of money will go to school districts that participate in operational sharing.