Sen. Charles Grassley on the Bill Barr situation:
First of all, I’m astounded that Democrats would be saying anything about Barr carrying water for the White House. He’s made it very clear that he’s not taking instruction from anybody. He’s trying to run the department. He even takes on the President and says quit tweeting, it’s not making my job any easier. Then people are saying he ought to resign because he’s carrying water for the White House. I don’t think that that’s true, that he’s carrying water for the White House. And, the very same people who are claiming about Barr never complained about (Eric) Holder in the Obama Administration, when he said he was a wingman for the President of the United States. A wingman — that means that Holder was more endowed with helping the President than being an attorney general for the people of the United States. He’s going into that department that, without a doubt we know has been politicized under the previous administration. Some of those same people are working in the Justice Department, doing things with a political agenda. All you have to do is look at the emails that we discovered that went on in the people in the FBI and the Mueller investigation and all of that. So, I just think that this criticism is strictly political and they got a double standard, one standard for a Republican President and another standard for a Democrat President.”