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12 p.m.
SSB 1224: A bill for an act relating to financial institutions, including the assets, liabilities, and merger of state banks and state credit unions.
SSB 1216: A bill for an act providing for actions taken by a board of directors of a corporation without a meeting.
12:30 p.m.
SF 392: A bill for an act authorizing the department of homeland security and emergency management to assume the duties of a joint 911 service board.
1 p.m.
SSB 1225: A bill for an act relating to noneconomic damage awards against health care providers.
2:30 p.m.
SF 278: A bill for an act expanding the definition of eligible student for purposes of the future ready Iowa skilled workforce last-dollar scholarship program.
3 p.m.
SSB 1227: A bill for an act establishing an inpatient psychiatric bed tracking system study committee.
SF 436: A bill for an act relating to the standard of judicial review and providing a claim or defense when a state action burdens a person’s exercise of religion, and including effective date provisions.
3:30 p.m.
SSB 1229: A bill for an act relating to reports prepared by a chief medical officer, licensed physician, or a mental health professional concerning the hospitalization of a person with a mental illness.
4 p.m.
SSB 1228: A bill for an act relating to trusts for persons with disabilities.
4:30 p.m.
A bill for an act relating to child welfare including the temporary custody of a child and judicial proceedings in child in need of assistance and termination of parental rights cases.
5 p.m.
SSB 1230: A bill for an act creating a permit allowing the operation of vehicles of excessive weight transporting fluid milk products, and providing fees.