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From today’s newsletter (sign up for our newsletter here!):

Good morning! Here’s hoping you can avoid a case of the Mondays today! To our friends we met at the Clay County Fair on Saturday who are getting our newsletter for the first time — welcome! And prepare yourself, because this one is a doozy.

We told you about two groups called Annie’s Voice for Change and Annie’s Foundation late last month. Annie’s Voice for Change called for people to demand Matt Walsh’s book “Johnny the Walrus” be removed from curriculum. Call it banned. Call it censored.

It was noteworthy because Annie’s Voice for Change is a “non-profit affiliate” of Annie’s Foundation. Annie’s Foundation purports to “fight book bans” and believes in the “freedom to read.”

Annie’s Foundation vehemently opposed SF496, which required books in schools be age-appropriate. If you’re wondering what age-appropriate means, it is pretty crucial in this context, here is the definition from Iowa Code. But be warned, it is graphic. The fact that Iowans SUPPORT materials that fit the following definition(s) in schools is disturbing.

“Any sexual contact between two or more persons by any of the following:

1. Penetration of the penis into the vagina or anus.

2. Contact between the mouth and genitalia or mouth and anus or by contact between the genitalia of one person and the genitalia or anus of another person.

3. Contact between the finger, hand, or other body part of one person and the genitalia or anus of another person, except in the course of examination or treatment by a person licensed pursuant to chapter 148, 148C, 151 or 152.

4. Ejaculation onto the person of another.

5. By use of artificial sexual organs or substitutes therefore in contact with the genitalia or anus.

6. The touching of a person’s own genitals or anus with a finger, hand, or artificial sexual organ or other similar device at the direction of another person.”

Not being able to have materials in Iowa schools that did any of the above is what bothered the group. And now Annie’s Foundation is attacking The Iowa Standard.

The group said we have dedicated “many blatantly homophobic social media posts” to “spreading lies” about a couple of public libraries. They’re talking about our series exposing how “bookmobiles” in Ames and Iowa City are stopping at public elementary schools with books that would be illegal to have inside the school.

They went on to say there are “conspiracy theories” about the books that are “truly abhorrent” and the type that “encourage vigilante justice and incite violence.”

Annie’s Foundation wants their followers and all fans of having sexually explicit materials in school libraries to report The Iowa Standard’s posts to Facebook for “being fake news” and “promoting hate speech.”

Again, there is some irony here because what they’re trying to do is censor us — ban us. Why are they trying to ban us and shut us down? Why are they trying to silence us? There is one straightforward reason:

Because we are the only Iowa media outlet that actually publishes photos and excerpts from the very books we’re talking about. 

There are a lot of well-meaning conservatives and educators who have fallen for the lie about us “banning books” because they aren’t aware of the content in these books. They also aren’t aware with the text of the law, which we shared above.

But when people ALL ALONG the political perspective are shown or told about these photos and excerpts, they immediately agree the materials don’t belong in schools. The mainstream media, Democrats, Annie’s Foundation are counting on keeping the general public dumb on the issue. They refuse to share excerpts or pictures from these books.

But we love “democracy” (I know, we’re a constitutional republic) so much that we’re willing to actually educate voters about the actual books that are actually being discussed and removed. Too bad the Left doesn’t love “democracy” enough to tell the public the truth.

That is why Annie’s Foundation wants us to not exist. That is why the Left wants us to not exist.

It should be noted that the lady who is the face of Annie’s Foundation has consistently been allowed to comment and share her thoughts on our Facebook page. I have been kind and, despite our disagreement over providing sexually explicit materials to minors, allowed her to engage.

That isn’t happening anymore. Because their “tolerance” and “love” for “diversity” is all a facade. And it isn’t real. The whole “they’re bigots” projection is just that — projection.

After much reflection on their dramatic post, at least a few seconds, I have decided to change absolutely nothing. And if anything, only be more committed to calling out this insanity. I’m not willing to let the radicals win.

Are you?

Why am I so passionate about this issue? Because they are targeting innocent children. They are coming for the minds, hearts and souls of kids. They are attempting to corrupt the next generation.

And I’ll be danged if that’s happening without resistance while I still have a heartbeat.

I hope you’re willing to stand with The Iowa Standard. I hope you realize there is no “compromising” on this issue. One side wins, the other loses. So ask yourself two questions:

  1. Do you want to win?
  2. What are you willing to do to win?

A goal without a plan is a plan for failure. Failure, friends, is not an option. They’re coming for your kids and grandkids. It is time to commit to defending them. Commit the cause, for there is no greater cause than protecting and defending the hearts, minds and souls of kids.

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