From March for Life Action:
As the rest of the nation is still dealing with the pandemic and its aftermath, President Biden and the Democratically-controlled Congress are continuing to take advantage of this opportunity to expand government-sponsored and subsidized abortion through the Equality Act and the newest COVID relief bill cover abortion.
There are some important differences between this bill and previous relief packages: one, the previous relief bills actually provided financial aid to those who need it, and two, they barred money from going to our nation’s largest abortion provider, Planned Parenthood.
Despite the legal restrictions previously included in the relief packages, Planned Parenthood illicitly received hundreds of millions of dollars targeted for struggling businesses. However, instead of an investigation into this potential illegality, Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi are looking to simply remove that restriction and reward them with billions MORE of your tax dollars.
This is not the only payoff Planned Parenthood is receiving, either. President Biden is fulfilling a campaign promise of pushing the Equality Act, legislation that ultimately would overturn all pro-life protections, including the ones passed in your state.
Contact your members of Congress now!