Here is a full list (as full of a list as we could come up with) in terms of which elected Republicans are supporting Iowa House Republicans incumbents being challenged in a primary election who have voted against pro-life legislation and/or strongly opposed Education Savings Accounts for Iowa families — or in the case of Rep. Jane Bloomingdale — both.
Endorsers of Bloomingdale, who has an anti-life voting record and opposes Education Savings Accounts:
U.S. Sen. Joni Ernst
U.S. Sen. Chuck Grassley
Majority Leader Matt Windschitl
Rep. John Wills
Rep. Bubba Sorensen
Rep. Brian Best
Rep. Ann Meyer
Rep. Shannon Lundgren
Rep. Megan Jones
Rep. Shannon Latham
Rep. Bobby Kaufmann
Rep. Jarad Klein
Rep. Brian Lohse
Rep. Chad Ingels
Rep. Joel Fry
Rep. Jacob Bossman
Rep. Brent Siegrist
Sen. Waylon Brown
Ag Secretary Mike Naig
Endorsers of Rep. Dustin Hite, who has strongly opposed Education Savings Accounts for Iowa families:
U.S. Sen. Joni Ernst
U.S. Sen. Chuck Grassley
Speaker Pat Grassley
Majority Leader Matt Windschitl
Rep. Ann Meyer
Rep. Bubba Sorensen
Rep. Rob Bacon
Rep. Garrett Gobble
Rep. Carter Nordman
Rep. Brian Best
Rep. Chad Ingels
Rep. Brian Lohse
Rep. Bobby Kaufmann
Rep. Ross Paustian
Rep. Jacob Bossman
Rep. Jarad Klein
Rep. Steve Holt
Rep. Holly Brink
Ag Secretary Mike Naig
Endorsers of Rep. Lee Hein, who has an anti-life voting record and is yet to publicly endorse Education Savings Accounts:
Rep. Jarad Klein
Rep. Bobby Kaufmann
Rep. Ross Paustian
Ag Secretary Mike Naig
In other words, the usual DIABLOs – Demonrat In All But Label Only. Can’t serve two masters – – can’t serve both God and vote/support satanic agendas.