Donald Trump Jr. opened America Fest 2021 on Sunday morning with a raucous speech that centered on Republicans working together and ended with a promise to tell the crowd’s “favorite President” they say hi when he sees his father, Donald J. Trump, in a couple of hours.
Perhaps the most inevitable part of his speech was when discussing what he called the “biggest cultural phenomenon” of the last 50 years – ‘Let’s Go Brandon.’
“I promise you guys, we’re not alone,” he said. “It’s probably the biggest new sporting tradition of the last half-century. I can’t name another one. It’s carried on for a year. It’s at every university. I mean, liberal universities. It’s going on because people are finally getting it. They know. They see it. When in history have the Democrats at least partially lost – and probably a lot more than anyone will be willing to acknowledge – when have they lost the youth? That’s how insane it is. That’s how bad it’s gone. The hypocrisy, the lies.”
The hypocrisy, Trump said, is highlighted by how the media treated him compared to how it has treated Hunter Biden.
“Imagine if it was me,” Trump said. “I have a feeling they’d have a problem with all of the things. If I was doing crack, you probably wouldn’t give me the pass. I’m just saying. That is not exactly what we call a high bar – not doing crack. You know, in all fairness. It’s like, the basics. And he took it a little bit further than that obviously.”
Beyond the financial corruption, Trump speculated that every one of America’s enemies has one of Hunter’s laptops and has video of him doing crack with prostitutes.
“I’m sure (the media) would let it slide if I slipped into oblivion,” he said.
Republicans, Trump said, are starting to fight back because President Trump opened the door for them.
“I just wanted them to learn to fight back,” he said. “And they have. Sometimes it takes a little bit longer than I’d like. Sometimes it takes a couple more calls from me. The biggest thing we need is people willing to take that heat, to take the slings and arrows each and every day. And, until we have that bench, Trump is our guy in my opinion.”
Considering the facts, Trump said it’s incredible the elections are as close as they are. He said Democrats have Big Tech, mainstream media and social media.
“Three trillion-dollar institutions,” he said. “That’s their marketing department. We’re up against three trillion-dollar institutions and it’s still close. You know why? Because their ideas suck. Their ideas are garbage.”
The Black Lives Matter riots that featured fires across America went too far. He said people watched America burn, saw the nonsense of the Kyle Rittenhouse situation and witnessed justice for Jussie Smollett.
“I was the first sort of blue checkmark on Twitter to be like, ‘Hey guys, I don’t know about you, but this does not add up,’” he said. “I did that on the second day. I was thrown off social media. I was preaching hate. I’m not preaching hate – it’s just no one is this stupid. But, I was wrong. Jussie was that stupid.”
Trump said he would set the over/under at 15 seconds of life when debating how long a Trump supporter would survive on the streets of Chicago decked out in MAGA gear.