U.S. Marines Seek Class Relief from COVID Shot Mandate

Liberty Counsel filed an amended complaint in federal court before Judge Steven Merryday seeking class action relief from the unlawful federal COVID shot mandate on behalf of 15 plaintiffs who currently serve in the United States Marine Corps. The additional Marines added to the existing complaint are in the Tampa District.
In the next couple weeks, Liberty Counsel will also be filing additional amended complaints adding service members from the various branches who are located in the Tampa District. Liberty Counsel will continue to press for class-wide injunctive relief for the all the military branches.
The plaintiffs are Marines who face a deadline to receive an injection that violates their sincerely held religious beliefs since all of the COVID shots are associated with aborted fetal cells. They have been refused any religious exemption or accommodation. These service members had until November 28, 2021, to become fully vaccinated. However, these dates have passed, and disciplinary actions have already commenced.
Relief is needed now to prevent these military heroes from facing dishonorable discharge, court martial, other life-altering disciplinary procedures, and termination.

John 15:13 says, “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.” These service members have all agreed to voluntarily sacrifice and devote their entire lives by this truth, regardless of their personal cost or to their families who sacrifice in defense of this nation. They all have sworn an oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States and to sacrificially lay down their lives for their fellow citizens against enemies both foreign and domestic, and to preserve America’s freedom for the future.

Having sacrificed everything to defend America, the “land of the free and the home of the brave,” the Department of Defense continues to betray them with the worst punishment of dishonorable discharge. And for what cause? Simply because they seek an accommodation from the COVID-19 shots on account of their sincerely held religious beliefs.

As the Supreme Court has long affirmed, the heroes of the United States Armed Forces do not shed their constitutional rights at the moment of their sacrificial oath.

Liberty Counsel Founder and Chairman Mat Staver said, “As we prepare to celebrate Independence Day, we must continue to fight for the freedom of those who protect us every day. No service member should be forced to choose between serving God and serving country. The Department of Defense continues to violate the law and ignore their religious freedom. This lawlessness must end.”

Author: Liberty Counsel


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