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From President Donald J. Trump:
In 2020, Joe Biden campaigned on a singular premise: that Donald Trump was too reckless to be president, and that he was the one who could restore responsible governance. As others put it, with Biden and Democrats at the helm, the “adults would be back in charge.” Nine months in, we now know what a spectacular ruse that all was.
Biden’s failed leadership has created chaos across the board. And with his domestic agenda now in jeopardy, Biden has resorted to the same dishonest, self-serving tactics you would expect from a half-century career politician. For evidence, look no further than the reckless $3.5 trillion tax-and-spending spree Biden wants to go on.
Biden insists his unpopular plan costs nothing because we are the ones paying for it. His advisers repeat those same outrageous claims. That’s not telling the truth like Biden promised. It’s a flat-out lie, and one that insults voters’ intelligence.
Read the full article by Tommy Hicks for Townhall here.