In a Fox Business interview, Alaska governor Mike Dunleavy highlighted his endorsement of President Donald J. Trump because President Trump delivered results for the people of Alaska.
“In my opinion and in the opinion of many others here in Alaska, he was the best president for this state in its short history,” Governor Dunleavy said. “And what I mean by that is he opened ANWR, he was going to restore the Tongass National Forest—the largest national forest in the country—to a working forest, a multi-use forest. He signed a presidential permit for a railroad to come across Canada’s border with Alaska.”
Alaska Governor @GovDunleavy on why he's endorsing Trump in 2024: "He was the best president for this state… He was all about opportunity."
— Trump War Room (@TrumpWarRoom) September 1, 2023
In my opinion and in the opinion of many others here in Alaska, he was the best president for this state in its short history. And what I mean by that is he opened ANWR, he was going to restore the Tongass National Forest—the largest national forest in the country—to a working forest, a multi-use forest. He signed a presidential permit for a railroad to come across Canada’s border with Alaska.
Numerous other plays and projects he’s interested in getting going. I mean, he was all about opportunity and we would have conversations. I met with the president at least nine times, and every time we met, the conversations were very serious. “What can we do, governor? What can we do for the state of Alaska? How can we get more jobs going? How can we produce more resources?” So for me, it was fairly easy.
Alaska has suffered over the decades from presidents who either neglected Alaska or like the president we currently have now, is out and out hostile to Alaska. We have about 54 actions against Alaska–everything from the federal government. Everything from not allowing exploration to take place at ANWR, to once again shutting down the Tongass National Forest, preventing a land exchange so the people out in our small village of King Cove to get a road through for safety reasons.
The list is numerous but President Trump was the total opposite of President Biden’s administration for Alaska.