Kirstin Sullivan is a teacher of AP European History and AP Government and Politics at Ames High School.
Ames has been in the news due to its week of indoctrination called Black Lives Matter At School Week of Action.
The Iowa Standard was encouraged to explore the Facebook profile of Sullivan, a government teacher.
Sullivan was on social media in November encouraging the prosecution of President Donald J. Trump.
On Nov. 7, she noted that when she saw Joe Biden won the election, she “literally cried out in relief.”
“Relief that civility won,” she said. “Integrity won. Honesty won. Civil rights won. Then I watched Van Jones on CNN and remembered that my relief is no match for the relief felt by so many today. Listen and remember.”
Sullivan added that Trump “did not make America racist or sexist or homophobic.”
“But he gave the worst in us permission to be awful. He stoked it,” she said. “He invited it because it served his end. He held those who disagreed with him in disdain. DISDAIN. Even though we were founded on pluralism. He didn’t lead. He bullied. And whined. Never in my life have I seen someone in public service be so completely NOT about public service. He’s about himself. His ego. His brand. His wealth.”
Sullivan said that America’s “democracy” has been “at risk” these last years.
“Trump didn’t understand nor did he care about the Constitution,” she said. “When your leaders don’t respect your rule of law, then your democracy is at risk. Trump sought division because it served him. When Biden’s victory was announced this morning, I wept with relief.”
She said that she was relieved her sons would “live in a county where we are working toward tolerance and compassion. Where we are not an embarrassment in the rest of the world. Where we work together to find common ground instead of greed and destruction. Where there will be consequences for treating black lives as less than any other lives. Where the president won’t brag about grabbing a woman’s genitals.”
She closed by calling President Donald J. Trump a “menace.”
“He proved this every single day,” she said. “He had four years to become a leader. To serve the public. To not use people. He had four years to behave like a president and he didn’t do it. I honestly think he believes all politicians are crooks so it’s no big deal. All politicians are lazy. All presidents just play golf all the time so he will too.
“The truth is that we’ve had good presidents and great presidents and bad presidents. But even the bad ones worked hard and in even a few ways wanted to serve. Not Trump. Not even a little.”