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Mike Franken says he wants to change Iowa to be more progressive like California. Does Mike Franken support California’s war on bacon and biofuels? Does he want liberal California’s high taxes, high crime and high cost of living? If Franken wants Iowa to be more like California that will include:
- Proposition 12 to dictate the livelihoods of Iowa pork and egg producers
- Sanctuary state
- Taxpayer paid abortions
- Socialized health care
- Transferring student debt to taxpayers
- “Zero Bail No Jail” for smash-and-grab thefts exacerbating soaring crime
- Astronomical housing costs
- High taxes
- Soaring gas prices
- A failing business market
- High cost of living
Long story short: Mike Franken is too liberal for Iowa. If California is so great, why are employers and residents leaving in droves?
Let’s keep the terminology straight.
Franken isn’t “too liberal”, that’s like saying Marx, Lenin, Trotsky and Stalin are liberals. They’re all murderous communists with the same viewpoint that individuals need to be forced into lockstep obedience to the State.
Grassley on the other hand with a “F” conservative score is more liberal than JFK and too many Iowans are gulled by the few pieces of red meat thrown to them even as he sells our country down the river to foreign and domestic enemies of our freedoms and liberties.