According to 279 Parents United, a local parents’ group in Minnesota’s Osseo Area School District 279, an estimated 1,800 students and at least 15 teachers opted out of an “LGBTQIA+ History and Culture Lesson” recently. The opt-outs came after Liberty Counsel sent a demand letter to the school district’s superintendent, who later communicated to students and teachers and confirmed they were free to exercise their legal rights to opt out of participating in the lesson.
In a March 28 email, school officials stated that “teacher opt-out religious accommodations will be approved” and “students may choose to leave prior to or during the lesson.”
As a result, the school district confirmed that 394 students officially opted out at Maple Grove Senior High School by filling out a form, while 279 Parents United estimated the number of students leaving prior to the lesson to be up to 1,000. The parents’ group stated that the school used its auditorium and cafeteria to accommodate the students who declined to participate in the LGBTQ lesson. The parents’ group also stated an additional 700-800 students opted out of the same lesson at Osseo Senior High School.
Originally, less than 30 days from the teaching of the lesson, teachers were provided an advance copy of the district’s parent opt-out email. However, parents were not provided with the lesson content. So, in order to review the material and consider excusing their children, parents needed to complete an online form to schedule a time and physically go to the school district for the review. The “Review LGBTQIA+ Learning Materials” page informed parents that “an identification card will be required to enter the Educational Service Center” and “only those that submit a form and receive confirmation will be allowed to view the learning materials” onsite. Buried at the end of paragraph five of the email was the actual “opt-out form.”
In June 2022, despite public opposition from parents, the Osseo school board approved the “LGBTQIA+ History and Culture Resolution,” which directed the school district to implement LGBTQIA+ curricula.
According to the school district, the 40-minute lesson is meant to accomplish four goals: “Students will gain a deeper understanding of LGBTQIA+ histories and identities; Students will gain an understanding of the importance of using correct pronouns and respecting diverse identities; Students will help create a brave space that is respectful of all members of our community.”
The lesson includes references to several pop culture figures who identify as homosexual or “transgender;” several global cultures purported to meet criteria for inclusion in “LGBTQIA+ culture;” and numerous instances of encouragement of students to accept and affirm false pronouns and identities.
For example, students will be encouraged to either use false pronouns that are not consistent with biological gender and improper plurals like “they them theirs” and other nonsensical permutations. Otherwise, they risk being labeled “wrong” or “incorrect.”
The lesson document includes slides, each one accompanied by a script, that teachers (unless opting out) must read verbatim to the students.
The lesson asks students if they are “confused” about; “curious about” and “questioning” their sexuality, fitting within at least one of the “Q” categories in its lengthy acronym: “LGBTQIA+ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer & Questioning, Intersex, & Asexual).” The students are instructed to answer questions that are listed on a “Closure Reflection Sheet” and turned in as an exercise.
The Osseo Area School District 279 is presenting a pro-LGBTQ curriculum that clearly conflicts with the religious viewpoints of many employees. The First Amendment protects the right to free speech and the school district cannot force “compelled speech” by requiring teachers to violate their sincerely held religious beliefs by teaching this pro-LGBTQ material. In addition, teachers may request a religious accommodation under Title VII to the Civil Rights Act of 1964 without fear of punishment.
Regarding parents, the First Amendment and the Fourteenth Amendment protect parents’ ability to direct their children’s religious upbringing and protects parental rights from government interference.
Liberty Counsel Founder and Chairman Mat Staver said, “Hopefully, the school district learned a lesson to stop trying to force its agenda on students, parents, and teachers. Nearly 2,000 students and 15 teachers exercised the rights to opt out of the ‘LGBTQIA+’ indoctrination. Public schools must respect the rights of students, parents, and teachers.”