In five years of going to the Capitol to cover the legislative session, I’ve pretty much heard it all in the “debate” over school choice and Education Savings Accounts. The talking points haven’t really changed in five years. On Friday, though, I had a revelation.
The Left opposes school choice and Education Savings Accounts for a few reasons:
- “Public money” is for public schools.
- Our schools are not adequately funded already.
- Private schools have too much flexibility compared to public schools, meaning it isn’t a level playing field.
- Separation of church and state.
- Public schools have to educate everyone.
- If people want private education, they can get it, they just have to pay for it.
I’m sure there are other talking points missing that we’ve heard from the Left over and over, but I know there is one major talking point they never mention…
What is best for the individual student.
You never hear that from the Left in their opposition to Education Savings Accounts. All you hear about is money, money, funding, funding, money, money and more funding and more money.
That’s it. And those aren’t typos.
This is the problem with education. The system — the teachers union, the education lobby, an entire political party — has completely forgotten about what the education system is supposed to be about…individual students.
Democrats never discuss the importance of the individual student being in the education setting that is best suited for them. They never mention it. They never say it.
And there’s a reason. And it’s going to sound really harsh. But I can’t think of any other reason for them ignoring the best interest of the individual student…
They don’t care.
They don’t.
The individual student is not their concern. They’re worried about the “collective.” They’re worried about the “system.” They’re worried about the bureaucracy. They’re worried about keeping students in their public — you know what, I’m done referring to it that way — they’re more worried about keeping students in their government schools that they control and they benefit from the indoctrination.
They do not care about the individual student. They care about cash and control.
That’s it.
Go ahead. Go back and “watch the tape.” See if you ever heard a Leftist once mention anything about the importance of an individual student being situated in the educational setting best suited for their needs.
Check Twitter. Check Facebook. Read the legislative newsletters.
The next time a Leftist expresses concern for the individual student rather than concern for the teachers union or the government school system or its funding will be the first time.
Government schools may be the answer for most families. But government schools are not the answer for every family.
Doesn’t the Left care about “diversity?” How “diverse” of an idea is it to send every kid who “can’t afford anything else” to the same type of school? Don’t we celebrate “diversity” in everything else? Don’t we promote “diversity” everywhere else? Isn’t “diversity’ one of our great strengths?
So why wouldn’t we want to offer and help those who cannot afford it on their own the ability to choose from a “diverse” set of options for the education of their child?
The answer is obvious — the Left controls the government school system and allowing children to exit the government school system removes a huge advantage the Left has in the indoctrination of the kids.
Therein lies the problem. The Left is terribly concerned about the funding. The Left is terribly concerned about the money. The Left is terribly concerned about the teachers union. The Left is terribly concerned about everything except for the individual child.
If the Left actually cared about the individual student, there is no way they wouldn’t embrace the idea of Education Savings Accounts.
The Left wants us to believe they want to help the poor. But this is the one area they don’t want to make help available. The one area that will lead to a much better life more than anything else — education.