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I recently read an article that outlined how Iowan’s haven’t changed but the political leadership has changed from “Iowa Nice” to “Iowa Nasty” according to the writer of that article.  I guess I don’t agree with that statement.  Iowan’s haven’t changed and they are still Iowa nice.  The writer of the previously discussed article used pancake feeds, change buckets for charity coins, and people helping neighbors in need as examples of how Iowan’s are nice.  Iowans are nice as demonstrated by those actions amongst others.

However, Iowan’s as nice as they are, also have told me and the Republican leadership they want to keep Iowa as a welcoming and, Iowa nice state, but at the same time, to eliminate things like boys playing in girls sports, books with descriptive sex acts (both pictorial and words),and minor sex change surgeries from our state because they are damaging to our young people.

As proof of this, the House and Senate have achieved a level of Republican membership in both chambers that hasn’t been seen in recent times with 64 of 100 seats in the House and 34 of 50 seats in the Senate.

The author of the article in question at one time mentioned nobody campaigned on some of the things that were passed into law recently.   I would retort and say such is the case in many instances.  I never campaigned, several years ago, to protect bears from hunting in Iowa, yet at one point it became a very important issue during the legislative session because of an incident in the state.  This kind of thing happens all the time.

To give you a real life example, I never campaigned on ensuring books in Iowa Schools were age appropriate, until a House Oversight Committee meeting in which schools, upon being questioned about certain books, ensured the Legislature that those books were necessary for the proper education of our kids, even though they depicted graphic sex acts, to include penetration of body orifices with objects, penis, fingers, or other body parts in a sexual and graphic manner.  These books were in our libraries in both pictorial and word manner sometimes in middle schools.

At that point, it became a pretty important issue, not to mention I came back to my district, as did many Legislators, and heard from the people that this was unacceptable.  Yet the author of the article in question and Democrats, as a rule, insist that we were wrong on this issue.  They try to spin this as a ban on books, when the books are still available in public libraries and available for a parent to purchase but they are not in a situation where age-inappropriate material should not be available.

I could go down the same scenario for multiple issues that the left and the writer of the article in question have laid claim that Republicans are attacking Iowans about.  The reality is, the average Iowan does not want to see these extreme views like boys playing in girl sports.  I can assure you that the issues that I have mentioned in this article and many more issues were important issues to many constituents in House District 10 and I assume across the State.  A person can make statements that others believe, but in reality, that does not make them fact.

Author: John Wills


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