Tahymrah Lytle, one of the panelists invited to speak on Democrat J.D. Scholten’s Black Lives Matter discussion, had some interesting takes during the conversation.
In addition to suggesting that the American system “pry” needs to be blown up, she also acknowledged that LGBTQ people, black people and black women are the “backbone” of the Black Lives Matter movement.
“Always have been, always will be,” she said.
Lytle also noted that she is skeptical of corporations supporting the Black Lives Matter movement as they’ve never had a history of caring about them before. She feels the same way about sports teams, which she said have notoriously treated black people like workhorses and people to be profited off.
“I believe in defunding and abolishing the police,” she said.
On Facebook, Lytle shared a post that said police could be replaced with, among other things, Planned Parenthood.