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Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), a staunch defender of the right to life, has earned an A+ rating for 2021 on the Susan B. Anthony (SBA) List National Pro-Life Scorecard. The scorecard takes into account the votes and actions of every lawmaker for the first session of the 117th Congress.


SBA List cited Grassley’s record of voting “consistently to defend the lives of the unborn and infants,” including his unyielding efforts to speak out “against extremist nominees of the pro-abortion Biden-Harris administration.” Specifically, they noted Grassley’s aggressive questioning during Xavier Becerra’s confirmation hearing to become secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS). During the hearing, Grassley pressed Becerra on the need to prioritize protecting the unborn from late-term abortions.


“I am proud of my strong record of standing up for the most vulnerable among us: the unborn. The fundamental right to life is afforded to all people, both born and unborn. In fact, the right to life is so significant that our Founding Fathers wrote it in the Declaration of Independence  – all human beings are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights, including the right to life. I’ll continue fighting to uphold the sanctity of all human life,” Grassley said.


Last year, Grassley also joined his pro-life colleagues in committing to block any bill that undermines Hyde Amendment protections, which ensure taxpayer dollars are not allowed to be spent on abortions.


View Grassley’s SBA List scorecard by clicking here.

Author: Press Release


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