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After Friday’s event, we were able to speak with Vivek Ramaswamy for a few minutes. During our interview, we asked what his best 30- or 60-second pitch to Iowans is that he is “authentic” since he is often accused of being “fake” or being a “plant.” Here was his response:

“Look at the sacrifices that someone has made to advance their convictions. I’m not earning donations by being here. I’m not earning donations by most of the stances I’ve taken. I stepped down from my job as a CEO of a multi-billion dollar company that I built from scratch because I refused to bend the knee to BLM. I’m the only person who has sued the World Economic Forum and won. And the George Soros stuff is just a lie. I have zero ties to George Soros. I’m his biggest critic. You have two other candidates, I won’t name them, one has gotten a $160 million loan from George Soros and the other one has fundraisers for his campaign with (Soros’) own investment partner. So, in some cases, what are the other people doing? They’re trying to dupe their camps and their proxies are trying to dupe you by getting ahead of that and training that ire on somebody else. So I get it, I’m the new guy, ask your questions, I’ve answered them. Now we’ve got a country to save. We don’t have a lot of time to dither around with this nonsense and so, get real. Figure out who is actually standing for what’s true and vote for that person. If you think somebody else is going to stand for a spine with more conviction than me, fine go with them. But use actual evidence to look for it because there’s a reason why, I mean, this is just one issue among so many, but why isn’t there a single damn other Republican candidate that can stand for what is the most obvious stance we’ve got to take to the carbon capture pipeline, it’ll tell you everything you need to know and I’m the President who will actually report to the people instead of reporting to the establishment.”

Author: Jacob Hall


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